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JokeyJack says...

Why dont we ban the new British Airways flights here until the Amber rating is removed, saying we dont want to put fragile Brits at unnecessary risk?
Oh, in know, cause we are still a slave colony under the Crown.

On Bahamas not on UK list

Posted 26 June 2021, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Its a great idea, but just like all other great fpo ideas, govt will not allow them because fpo would grow and have too many seats in Parliament for their taste.

Could you imagine govt allowing fpo 15 seats in parliament based on population? Of course not. Just like Andros and Eleuthera, sabotage is the unwritten rule.

JokeyJack says...

This hospital has been having problems with air conditioning for many years. I find it hard to believe its not deliberate. As the old saying goes "even a broken clock is right twice a day", but Bah govts are lucky to do it once.

On Nurses cautious on ending restrictions

Posted 25 June 2021, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

He is a fool to appeal. He will get no money until appeal is completed and he may die during those ten years.

JokeyJack says...

One of the main reasons for getting married is to have children. Why would anyone have a child now to live on this God-forsaken Earth? So why get married? Perhaps the lock downs and other restrictions are not enough to open the eyes of some people. Well, the Delta Variant is said to be coming and more lockdowns in the winter. Maybe they will be 10 times as bad, and then the next set of fools who consider marriage in the new year 2022, will think twice.

If not, the next set will truly be draconian and you will not be allowed to leave home at all - every - for any reason unless your body is dead and has to be removed. The Military / defense forces around the world will deliver food and water and medicines to people's homes. No going out ever.

These people wish to reduce the population. They are sending a hint, a message. If some people are hard of hearing, then they will use a bigger loudspeaker.

JokeyJack says...

Government will give any citizen what that citizen is willing to accept.
Apply to McDonalds or Dominoes and be quiet.

JokeyJack says...

How can they be convinced that the injection is the best option, when nobody is even allowed to discuss the other options? What do they know about the other 3 non-injection options?

JokeyJack says...

I've had my children on curfew from 4pm and lockdown every since July of last year. They must be in their bedroom at all times, and wear 2 masks. 3 masks and a face shield if they come out to use the restroom or get a drink of water from the fridge. They eat their meals in their room as well. They must also wear gloves while eating (touching forks and plates and cups could spread the virus). About 4 months ago I also purchased the water-proof masks and they must wear those in the shower. We also observe a minimum amount of talking (the extra pressure of exhaling while speaking might possibly force the virus though the thin fabric of the mask). We have small dry erase boards and markers. We also have an egg-timer set for 20 minutes, and every 20 minutes they must don the 3 masks and shield and come out to wash their hands with warm water and soap for 45 seconds.

My philosophy is, if stupid is the order of the day - then I want to be the most stupid so that I can win the prize.

Will this have a terrible negative effect on my children's mental health? Of course it will - but at least they will not die from the virus. They may grow up to be useless components of society and be a social cost to the Treasury, but who's thinking about that with any children? Nobody, so why should I ?

Remember, ALL things are less important than protecting oneself from the virus. Can't see your loved one while they are on their death bed in the hospital? Remember, ALL things are less important (do I need to say the rest? Do I need to repeat? I don't think so).

On PM announces curfew change: 11pm to 5am

Posted 21 June 2021, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

My friend, the world hasn't even begun to see suicides yet. When they start happening at a rate of over 1000 per day just in the USA, and hundreds per days in many other countries - then suddenly people (and news outlets) will start making STUPID remarks like "Oh, well nobody could have predicted that would happen." No. Nobody. Idiots.

JokeyJack says...

I get upset when I see two police officers riding wearing masks, just the two of them. They have to do that or else Karen's will call in and complain I'm sure. It's just sad that this penance is placed upon them on top of the fact that we don't pay them no money.

On What riles you on the road?

Posted 20 June 2021, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal