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JokeyJack says...

Of course it was a success. A contact of mine down there sent me a photo showing the streets are now paved with gold. More interesting none of the residents are breaking up parts of the streets with an axe to sell the gold because they are already as wealthy as they wish to be.

I commend all the participants on achieving fabulous success. Someday (in our dreams) we will be given the same treatment here in The Hahamas.

JokeyJack says...

Reminds me of my BTC power bill - it was also inaccurate - but the Court said I had to pay it anyway or my wages would be garnished. Guess rules only apply to poor down and out Bahamians - not our black British overlords.

JokeyJack says...

Yes, exactly. Why not make the user fee $743 ? Since the goal is to actually stop tourists from visiting the out islands to keep those islands from developing and keep them as slaves beholden to central government just to get running water - I think the amount I suggest would actually better serve that goal.

JokeyJack says...

They should be safe. I heard that all of the machine guns in Haiti have been confiscated.

On CARICOM delegation heads to Haiti

Posted 28 February 2023, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Mr. Bastian - you got no worries bro - just keep supporting yellow and red - the Bahamas getting better every day - right? I mean, we soon celebrating 50 years of awesome, marvelous, miraculous, fantastic, independent, governance over a public that drives on smooth roads and don't worry about how to feed their children. It just can't get any better than this. Lincoln selling dreams man. Keep up the good work - LOL.

On ‘Enough is enough’ say gas dealers

Posted 27 February 2023, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

That is just stupid. You can see how much people make by their NIB contributions. Those who don't pay NIB now will not pay income tax later. Yall just wanna create more PLP voting jobs, and more importantly to fool the people AGAIN by not increasing NIB contribution rate - but simply add a new tax on them - just like VAT. Most Bahamians can't add - so they won't notice and they will vote PLP or FNM again. With a dumb population - yall got nothing to worry about. Call the learjet, tell it wait on the runway to take you to the Hilton in Miami. You good.

On Governor: Income tax allows better targeting

Posted 27 February 2023, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Pintard - welcome to the dictatorship that we live in. It's also so funny funny funny to hear you utter the name of former Speaker Moultrie - you will recall he is the man that your fnm government would not allow to have a toilet in his office, right? Now you coming asking hi for favor? If I were him, I would have Fedex deliver a roll of toilet paper to your office - officially.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly and Bahamian slaves vote them back into office over and over again. The whip mussy feel sweet.

JokeyJack says...

The headline made me hope you might be writing about the abuses of the peaceful protesters at Goodman's Bay last week.

But upon reflection, why would i have hoped that in a land where all hope is lost?

JokeyJack says...

There is a plan to deal with shanty towns. NIB is being raised to provide funds for proper Haitian housing.