Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Mr. Pintard, respectfully sir, we don't need a committee. There has been enough talks on these matters since Roker's time.

We simply need to enforce the laws already on the books.

You guys did not enforce them last time you were in, and the New Day government is not enforcing them either, and neither did they 2 times ago when they were in.

Enforce the law. Very simple. I get a ticket if a police sees me roll through a red light. why??? why do i get a ticket? Can't I just give him an excuse and go about my business?

JokeyJack says...

Now passports can be printed at night in Cat Island and placed on defense force boats ready for distribution, whike the enbassy in Haiti is closed.

When it reopens, the Cat Island office will suddenly become unavailable.

JokeyJack says...

Pintard, you still calling for more reports? Too bad your FNM Party did not see fit to enact the Freedom of Information Act. No info for you, and that's good for ya. Be blind like regular citizens now until it's time to buy back the $200 t-shirt government again.
The people are ready now to throw out the PLP and of course the only other option their feeble minds can consider is the FNM, so you got no worries. You will be PM. PM of whatever is left of the Bahamas by 2026. Are you taking Creole classes? Hope so.

JokeyJack says...

Wonder how many blank passports and work permits they left behind? My guess is 12 million of them, enough for every man, child, and microwave oven down there.

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians voted for a Haitian PM, now we follow orders from Port au Prince.

On Minnis: We have an immigration crisis

Posted 24 January 2023, 6:27 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Diane, why doesn't the U.N. look at it as an opportunity to distribute birth control pills and education to these people in their countries of origin?

If we accepted 50,000 immigrants this year and put them in good positions where they are benefiting the Bahamas, as you suggest, the only thing that will happen is next year another 50,000 will arrive, and the year after that, and the year after that, and the year after that ... and so on.

We do not have an unlimited capacity here - and whatever capacity we do have for population expansion should be done by our own people. We don't need to import a whole bunch of people who know that the straight thing goes inside the round thing.

JokeyJack says...

I often tell people if you find a syringe on the road and you don't know what is in it, do not inject it.

On Rev Dr CB Moss collapses at church service

Posted 12 January 2023, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

This is good news. Hopefully it will go bankrupt because only Haitians would benefit from it anyhow.

JokeyJack says...

Yes, it will take that much money to feed all the Haitians.

JokeyJack says...

It's nice to know that BPL staff are geniuses and require no training on any generator system since all systems in the world are the same. LOL