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JokeyJack says...

In other words, foods and jobs for shanty towns. I asked my son what he wants to be when he grows up (currently in grade 8) and he replied "An illegal migrant".

Even the children can see what is happening.

So now i have to check with my food stores to make sure where my leafy greens come from, just to be safe.

JokeyJack says...

Sir, flights leave for Haiti every day. You are at liberty to get on one and go down there and help them with whatever problems you wish. However, in case you haven't noticed, there a lots of them here, and soon we will need help ourselves. Who are we going to ask?

JokeyJack says...

What a shame former Prime Minister Minnis did not put in place the Freedom of Information Act while he was in power. Now, as an ordinary Bahamian - like the rest of us - he would be able to benefit from that Act and obtain the information he seeks.

What goes around comes around.

Wait another five years sir and when you become a dictator again then you can get the info. In the Bahamas we have "elected" dictators. There is no democracy here.

No Freedom of Information Act. No freedom. No information.

On ‘How many taxi plates have been issued?’

Posted 2 December 2022, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

The people of the Bahamas keep voting in the same people half-decade after half-decade - the same people, the same Parties, the same results. The Bahamian people have received their end of the bargain - paid in full.

The agreement was, come out get your chicken and drinks, listen to the free music at the rally, dance and sing - get your t-shirts and bumper stickers, hats and pins. Then go and vote for the people who could afford to put on those big shows and give you those trinkets.

They did their part by providing all of the above THEN you did your part by voting them back in power. It was an arranged deal, completely fulfilled by both sides. I don't see why there is reason to complain at this late date.

On Power to the people?

Posted 28 November 2022, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

That chicken, the one that comes home to roost, just got a tattoo on his leg last week. It says FTZ. I figure that's pretty good spelling for a chicken.

JokeyJack says...

Whatever they did im sure did "save" millions for Bahamians, but probably only 39 of them.

JokeyJack says...

So what report are they "demanding"??? lol. The Central Bank has no power !!! Zero power to demand anything. Remember when the female governor just kept sending letter after letter to BOB prior to their meltdown about 17 years ago???

In addition, this is just STUPID on the whole because bahamians were not allowed. not allowed to have accounts at FTX, just like we are never allowed to have anything that other residents of this planet can have.

JokeyJack says...

I wish the Tribune would stop assisting the Government by printing these STUPID reports on VAT. What difference does it make how much VAT money is put into the Treasury? Seriously. What difference does it make? We have no idea where that money goes.

As was said many times in 2016, "Where the VAT money gone?" That is still unanswered. Our debt is soaring and what payments are being made on it with VAT money that was designed in 2014 and has run around a billion dollars each year? Have we paid 8 billion dollars so far on our national debt? Of course not. Do politicians fly all over the world in jets and stay at luxury hotels? Of course they do. Will WE pay the price when our currency is devalued like Jamaica? Of course we will. Will they be OK and just fine while we suffer. Of course they will.

Tribune - please stop helping them to pretend like they are doing something for us. It would not matter if VAT money had risen by 300% instead of 15%. Nothing would change in this country.

JokeyJack says...

Since your Party passed the Freedom of Information Act (LOL) you can just get the info thru that right?

lol. lol. lol

On Pintard demands account of public funds to BPL

Posted 15 November 2022, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Jungle Justice

On UPDATED: Man released from prison shot dead

Posted 14 November 2022, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal