Comment history

JokeyJack says...

FNM may want to know whatever they think BUT in this country the Leader of His Majesty'a Official Opposition has no power under the Constitution (aka New Slave Agreement) to know anything. Nothing!!!

He ought to know his job is to keep his mouth shut for 5 years. Well, he can TALK but that's all he can do.

Finances are kept secret !!!

When his Party was in power, they did not make the law fair in that regard, so now he can suck teeth.

JokeyJack says...

No, not forever - just only until it's too late.

On 'Shanty towns will not go unchecked forever’

Posted 12 November 2022, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Why are we wasting OUR resources investigating this ?????????

Let the European Union investigate it. They always want to be all up in our business and be blacklisting us. Let them figure it out, or just forget about it.

When are we going to ban all flights from Europe to this country and require visitors visas at a cost of $500 each ? Why are we playing dead on this issue like a well trained dog?

Could it be that we actually ARE well trained dogs? I'm starting to think so.

On Bahamian regulator probing FTX woes

Posted 11 November 2022, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Since most articles on the Tribune have "Commenting has been disabled for this article.", we as pundits need to be careful to make the kind of comments that are acceptable in the current communist climate. Therefore :

I believe that the Honorable PM Davis is exactly on point here. He, along with John Kerry are going to save the world from the horrors of climate change brought about by disgusting disease filled human beings. Let us all wish them both Godspeed.

Remember, you too can fight climate change simply by getting vaccinated - according to Biden.

On PM: Climate issues will only get worse

Posted 10 November 2022, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Nonetheless, Mr Georges called for an end to the discriminatory attitudes towards Bahamians of Haitian descent, saying “it needs to stop”. which i reply...

Nonetheless, we call for and end to Haitians stealing our Crown land and an end to government selling it to us in the form of subdivisions. It needs to stop.

JokeyJack says...

Too bad our phone companies are too dumb to keep phone logs. Maybe the NSA can help us. They are supposedly recording all our calls.

JokeyJack says...

It is remaining in the news to keep people distracted from the big money we are not allowed to know about.

What cheques went out of the Treasury this month? Not allowed to know. We're only allowed to pay for them.

JokeyJack says...

Those poor Haitians. Scattered mini-burdens across the globe. Soaking up tens of billions in "relief funds" instead of just 60 cents for a condom.
I mean, seriously, what person who loves children would born a child in Haiti?
I can only conclude that Haitians truly hate children and love to see them hungry and diseased.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly correct. He must also not be aware that as Leader of the Opposition he is also the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee and has the authority to obtain the documents - he does not have to beg for them. If he is begging, he should be wearing a suit and tie.

On Pintard wants paperwork for Bermuda trip

Posted 25 October 2022, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

But the should coordinate and do the same items on the same order and nobody get ahead of anyone else.