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JokeyJack says...

Can't they just do a wheels up landing ? ? ? Planes do it in emergencies all the time. It scapes the bottom some - takes off some paint - mashes up the aluminum bottom a bit - and there is a chance of starting a fire - but usually everyone survives. This can just become a "new normal" in Bahamian Aviation.

JokeyJack says...

Govt can do this anytime they want cause people gah vote for them anyway. PLP & FNM.

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians are only allowed to vote for plp & fnm. Americans are only allowed to vote for Democrat & Republican. Lincoln Bain and Robert Kennedy have no chance. People like being poor and stupid - otherwise they would not be able to complain so much.

On 1 in 10 people without a job

Posted 24 June 2024, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Bahamian beggars - begging for $130M. Not the politicians, but the people who voted for them - begging voters begging for $200 in a tshirt.

JokeyJack says...

Six? Six? Six? I cant type no more.

JokeyJack says...

What were they supposed to do? Give him a big wet kiss? Of course they shot him. He wasn't on a leash and you opened the door. Pitbulls have killed and maimed many children. They should ALL be killed.

On ‘Police shot and killed my dog’

Posted 18 June 2024, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Its Bahamian owned. Govt make sure it sinks.

JokeyJack says...

Jury trials have already been removed because rumour on the street is that judges penalize those who lose a jury trial with much harsher penalties than if they had just pleaded guilty for "wasting the Court's time." But aren't we the ones who pay the taxes to operate the courts, so isn't it our time to "waste"?

We seem to have a similar system as Amerika in that people are entitled to the amount of justice they can afford. A friend attended traffic court in Daytona years ago where she and about 20 other defendants were all marched into court and the judge announced to all of them "For the duration of this hearing you are all to shut up. Do not utter one word." She was of course shocked and wondered if she had woken up in Russia that morning.

Bahamas courts are better than most countries including USA. Poor people there have ZERO rights. None.

I won't even mention the weekly occurrence of innocent souls getting married which is in effect signing papers that one day you have a more than 50% chance to pay a lawyer $5000 to help you restore your freedom. Oops, i mentioned it.

And of course none of this is taught in school.

JokeyJack says...

All Bahamians will be kicked out of the Bahamas under orders of the UN. Like Pindling said " don't deserve to have it."
When i see KFC boxes on the road everywhere, i have to agree with him.
Our time is soon coming to an end.
The Republic of Northern Haiti will be born.

JokeyJack says...

It's like my cousin's hamburger take-out. Lately he has been getting an enormous increase in orders at lunch time. While he would normally have 30 to 40 burger sales between 12pm and 2pm, the last 3 weeks he has been serving between 100 to 150 in the same lunch time.

This has caused him to buy more buns, more mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup. Also, of course, the patties themselves along with pickles and lettuce and tomatoes. He says it's been a strain on his car to fit all of that stuff in the trunk and the back seat - sometimes having to make two trips to the food store over a 48 hour period.

When will it end?