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JokeyJack says...

Another nail in the coffin of GB ? Doesn't it already have enough nails in it? Can't we just lower it in to the ground now? LOL. There are no cruise ships that leave out of Nassau or Bimini or Exuma that they can mess with also? Or is it just pick on GB day, like every day? Deja vu all over again.

On None

Posted 2 February 2024, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I suggest that we replace the PLP with the FNM in the next election. If that doesn't work after 5 years then we should replace them with the PLP. That will surely solve the problem. It's worked in the past, it can work again. Let's try it !!!

JokeyJack says...

No sir. You are wrong. Do not thank the PLP and FNM for these problems - you must thank the people who voted for them. We always talk about the PLP and FNM like they are some aliens from another planet that just show up out of thin air. the people put them in power over and over again - so please do not blame those two political parties.

JokeyJack says...

The government has a financial watchdog??? Is it a poodle??????

On Unpaid property taxes hit $690m at mid-2021

Posted 25 January 2024, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

They not having it this year?????? But they just had friends vote mainly PLP & FNM in West End a few weeks agp? LOL

JokeyJack says...

Birdie - you are correct. I can't wait for the day that the GBPA is removed and central Grand Bahama can be uplifted by the government to be as clean and pristine and have a great economy and wonderful atmosphere at West End and East End and Eight MIle Rock. The government has worked miracles in those townships over the past several decades and people all over the Bahamas have been flocking to live there - buying homes and investing in businesses and living large.

Why does Freeport have to be an eye sore on the face of the Bahamas? I know dozens of people who have moved to West End and East End just over the past 5 years. They tell me they've never made a better decision. Their children attend the top notch public schools there and the new branches of the University of Bahamas that have opened up in Eight Mile Rock and McLean's Town. The training there is excellent and students are hired directly as they graduate - with recruiters flocking there every November and May soliciting upcoming graduates. Meanwhile, the students in Freeport can only hope to make french fries at a fast food restaurant if they are lucky.

With God willing, Freeport will one day be loosened from the shackles of government and join the true family of family islands nationwide and enjoy in their prosperity.

Set the captives free !!!!! This is something that will happen with or without the government's influence with this upcoming court case. People are leaving Freeport in droves and moving to the two end of the island every day - to partake in the high life - the good life - the life promised to them by Sir Lynden. Can you blame them? Of course not. I get job offers every day in my inbox, and am planning in February to take up a position at a new private university that is opening a campus in Holmes Rock.

JokeyJack says...

Too bad no other country has figured this out that we can learn from. It's a global shame.

JokeyJack says...

"while some PharmaChem staff were said to be reluctant to work the 24-hour production shift..."

Bahamians. Looking for job but don't want to work. What else is new? This is supposed to be news? LOL

JokeyJack says...

Birdie, maybe you can your people in the PLP to raise up VAT to 20% so these migrants can be fed? Yes? no? yes?

JokeyJack says...

What a crazy over-reaction this article is. He was simply saying that if one country attacks another (even if they have no money and no food and no nothing like the Bahamas and like Gaza) - but somehow get their hands on weapons and attack the USA, then he would respond by firing back.

You are saying the Bahamas is small and has no resources of that kind. Do you know where the bullet factories are located in Gaza? Right. Nowhere. They get weapons from elsewhere.

So, according to you, it is simply impossible that Russia would bring weapons into the Bahamas via Cuba and have agents here fire them into Florida? That could absolutely positively NEVER happen? And if it did, then the US President should not fire back at us because we are small and weak?

If those are the rules you wish to set, I'm sure the terrorists are listening and will adjust their methods.