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JokeyJack says...

So the gang members just have to wait a few days until the police leave i guess ? I'm sure their presence is temporary, because if they haven't been there the last 5 years, then ain't no hope. And that's the only bad school too right? LOL.
The truly truly sad part, is that these people who have been around from "that time", just can't seem to realize that their time is over. They have no way of dealing with our problems because they don't understand our problems. They live in another world.

JokeyJack says...

Good point. The fact is, we are the 51st state of USA in so many ways, but in our quest to be "independent" LOL - we lose out on all the potential benefits. Pride comes before the fall.

On Bahamas ‘not ready’ for step to republic

Posted 14 September 2022, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

The young children are being trained to becomes s slaves for the real rulers of the world and their demon worshippers. The masks are an important part of the plan.

On Salary and healthcare boost in teachers deal

Posted 14 September 2022, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

So any woman who attends that church must be a

JokeyJack says...

Yall worried about 11 million???, while we lose a billion dollars a month in this country. Wow thet can easily turn your attention eh?

JokeyJack says...

" I don’t think it will be in our best interest at this time because we have not evolved to the point where we think of anything other than red, yellow, and green.”

green ????? green ???????? Have you seen any green mp sitting in the House of Assembly? I have not.

This last election the people did not elect even ONE person as an MP anywhere in the Bahamas who was not an FNM or a PLP.

We are nowhere close to being able to be a Republic - we cannot even see Republic far far on the horizon like the mast of a tall sailing ship.

We cannot even make license plates for our cars.

We don't even print our own money - it is printed in Canada.

We cannot keep ordinary blood pressure pills in our main PMH hospital.

What the heck are these Republic people thinking. Has the Queen prevented us from filling our potholes?

On Bahamas ‘not ready’ for step to republic

Posted 13 September 2022, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Yes, they came and many others came and offered to came. They were all denied and turned away. Same after Hurricane Floyd. Doctors Without Borders came offering to help the children with stress and anxiety from the hurricane - they were turned away by Immigration. The two MPs at the time begged Immigration to let them in - but with communication severed with Nassau - nobody had any way to make a decision. When you turn away doctors to help your own children, how can you even dream of governing yourself.

On Bahamas ‘not ready’ for step to republic

Posted 13 September 2022, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I actually know who they were rented to. I personally know a contractor that di work on them periodically. Mainly Bahamians lived there.

JokeyJack says...

Where are all the United Nations cry baby organizations????? I guess Haitians weren't living in those domes or else all Hell would have broken loose.
But, no, they were only Bahamians - worthless dogs that don't count.
Government don't have to worry though - the majority of these former dome dwellers will NOT vote for a 3rd Party next election.

JokeyJack says...

We need to get rid of King Charles. He and his mother have been stopping us from fixing our potholes for nearly 50 years now. We need smooth roads !!!