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JokeyJack says...

"There are talks about imposing the will of other countries onto the people, but again, as I said, we want it to be a Haitian solution, but where that is possible.”"

That's just so funny. Haitians will think of a solution? The only thing they can think of is having more babies so people feel sorry for them and give them food. With that food, they make even more babies and the cycle continues. Same as Sudan. In fact, Haiti should be referred to as Western Sudan to complement their current North and South.

JokeyJack says...

This "regulation" is happening all over the world. Governments are not going to allow us to use any money except their Central Bank "notes".

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. They are doing a great job of convincing the public not t9 believe a word they say.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. They could start by buying some Band-Aids and bottles of peroxide. That might make people feel better. A pay raise for the workers at the hospital might help too because long before they can build a new hospital, most of these working there now will have immigrated to Canada.

JokeyJack says...

They are tired because of the silly Covid protocols and not being able to breathe oxygen while they are at work. Also because many have quit being nurses and doctors, refusing to work at a circus and being forced to inject some kind of tingum into their veins.

Eventually when this foolish approach causes everyone to die, then there won't be any problems to worry about.

JokeyJack says...

You know, and now that people see how HEROES get treated - many will not be willing to step up to help next time. People like to be heroes; people don't like to be dogs.

So next emergency (of any kind - it may not be medical), we may be shocked that there is not the help that we expect. For example, let's say a bunch of building catch fire on Shirley Street like from one end to the other and the fire engines can't keep up - and some guys who have pesticide trucks and other trucks with sprayer tank say - hey I can put water in my tank and come down there and help.............but then they might say - well, yeah - but do I really want to be next years dog? Likely not.

On The pandemic is still with us

Posted 22 July 2022, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"Imagine how many skilled medical professionals passed away due to the pandemic. Tens of thousands and growing daily. "

That is so funny. No, they haven't died. they quit because they were being forced to take the vaccine after having worked as "heroes" for over a year during the so-called pandemic. Now they are branded as idiots and conspiracy theorists for refusing to take an experiment thing called a vaccine. So they quit. Quit by the tens of thousands. They say if yall not grateful for us saving your lives, and in return you want to inject us with weird chemicals that may have unknown consequence - then you're own your own buddy. See yah.

On The pandemic is still with us

Posted 22 July 2022, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

True - but also employers know that there are only so many jobs out there for so many people - so they can treat people like dogs. You often hear the term "team player" - that just mean that in that job you are going to be a gopher who does whatever is thrown at you. Almost ALL jobs today have no job description - or if they do - it includes the phrase "and other assignments." Basically everyone's job is exactly the same - which is to do exactly what you are told exactly when you are told to do it.

Of course this leads to horrible job morale and terrible work ethic. Employers think they are saving money by paying people nothing and treating them like dogs - but all they do is upsetting customers and losing business. Most people in Bahamas ordering online now instead of going in (insert name of a business here) and either getting no service - or being served by a robot who is just saying whatever he thinks you want to hear so that you don't report him/her to his/her boss and get them in trouble. They truly have no interest in serving you and have ZERO interest in being employed by that boss except they got to pay their rent.

All of this LOST productivity - due to our old slave mentality just being applied by blacks against blacks instead - is transformed into REAL money and production being lost - and it all comes out in the wash - such that nobody has any real money or any real life. This is a downward spiral straight to HELL. Or did we already pass there? LOL.

JokeyJack says...

Years ago, I used to say the solution was condoms. But if we don't breed like rabbits and have 10 children that are so desperate for work that they are willing to work for slave wages, then the government just lets slaves come in from Haiti to replace us. The same in happening in Europe and the USA.

Corporations wants slaves. If "developed" countries won't produce them, then they order the governments to allow them in without an concern for immigration law. I've heard that in UK and Canada the governments put such people up in hotels until they can be placed wherever they are "needed".

Of course, the media is busy assuring people that "The Great Replacement Theory" is a conspiracy. You don't have to believe or not believe the media. Just open your eyes and look for yourself. How many unemployed youth (over 18) do you have living at home with you? Simple question. Simple answer. Simple reason.

JokeyJack says...

I heard that a monkey lost his socks and got everyone sick.