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JokeyJack says...

The slaves are revolting. It seems that $5.25/hour is insufficient to pay $250 light bill, $600 rent, $6/gallon gas, 9.8% NIB and 10% VAT 25cents withdrawal tax, and 45% import tax. Who knew? Why can't they just eat their rice and be quiet?

We have had no need for any foreign investment in this country for 49 years, no need for foreign teachers, no need for foreign police officers, no need for any "ease of doing business", no need for any ease of exchanging foreign currency, no need to remove restrictions on Bahamians owning foreign stock investments, no need on removing the 6% export tax and other red tape to allow Bahamians to export things and bring in foreign currency. No need to diversify economy. No need to put a few radars on Inagua. The only thing we have needed is very easy to get "farm worker" work pemits.

None of this has been needed - why all of a sudden people are hurting ? These slave workers just making noise for nuttin.

JokeyJack says...

If the late 1980s the PLP government threw away the goose that laid the golden egg in Freeport. We had awesome teachers here from abroad that produced all the graduates that worked a Syntex, Borco, Freeport Power, Harbour Co, Airport Controllers etc - educated young Bahamians that went on to greatness.

Of course, greatness is simply not allowed for Bahamians - so these offensive foreign teachers were forced out of the country, so that our population can be kept ignorant - just the way the government likes it.

Now, instead of a goose, the chickens have come home to roost - cause that's all we can afford to eat - LOL.

On Prosperity gospel has failed GB

Posted 19 July 2022, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Steven, maybe you should start a fund to raise money to provide FREE condoms and other contraceptive methods to all of these areas of the globe that contain many large 24 hour operation very productive baby factories. There are other things these people could be producing besides babies. Produce babies yes, but save some of their enter to produce food and clothing while they are at it.

Many rumors have spread that some nefarious rich people made Covid to reduce the global population. Apparently, knowing that horrible things are going to happen if they continue to overpopulate without any forethought of economics is not enough to scare these people into using contraceptives. Those at the top may decide that the next virus needs to simply be more deadly because this one was not deadly at all. 6 million people is nothing compared to the global population of 8 billion this December. Maybe the next virus will have to kill 4 billion people? Will these "refugees" learn then? Just wondering. They say that a word to the wise is sufficient - but of course for that to work the listener has to be wise.

JokeyJack says...

"Most Bahamians would be shocked to know..." Yes, of course, because most Bahamians are simply uneducated ignorants who can't calculate 7% of anything. Most don't know what a percent is. They demonstrate their ignorance every 5 years when they vote for the same people who give them nothing and then another shipment of nothing and keep a full inventory of nothing. Why dey is ink dey fingah for nothing? Cause they ignorant and really can't afford a new t-shirt.

JokeyJack says...

It is also just STUPID to increase NIB because a LARGE percentage of Bahamian workers do not pay nib contributions - you know - dem set what come up from the south.

So, the the VAT reduction to 10% was really just a cost of living cut for Haitians then at the end of the day. I guess we know why Brave was speaking Creole. Uhm.

Everybody pays VAT. If we need money in the Treasury, increase VAT so the load is lighter with everyone lifting. And keep it ON the breadbasket cause that all dey is buy. Increase VAT to 11% and relax.

JokeyJack says...

Yinnah slaves bess get back on the plantation !!!!! Or yall was sick cause the of the new monkey lose his socks ????

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. It is the high percentage of uneducated Bahamians who vote for these MPs over and over again, while complaining that "tings tough" I wonder if they is take dey broke down car to the same mechanic over and over and over and over, while dey ride bus?

On Will Equinor sale pay for clean-up?

Posted 16 July 2022, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. PMH is overcrowded and understaffed ..... and this is news ?

JokeyJack says...

"individuals who suffer from chronic non-communicable diseases" ... i guess these diseases don't have names yet? LOL

JokeyJack says...

Thank God these sicknesses are not caused by any improperly and insufficiently tested needle injections. It could not be the Covid injection, right? Cause we all "know" that was proven "safe and effective" which is why we have no cases of covid around today, right?