Comment history

JokeyJack says...

All the while over 10 thousand illegals here not contributing a dime, but we pay for their free school, free clinics, and free land. Why don't government just shoot all Bahamians dead and put us out of our misery?

JokeyJack says...

What is a "likely" tax gap? If I add 2 and 2 together is the answer "likely" to be 4 ? LOL

JokeyJack says...

Yes, but Canada remains a Communist country and we seem to be following. Anybody who was out celebrating Inda-What??? is a food (in my opinion). So many Bahamians can hardly afford corned beef and rice, but them same set is out dancing and "celebrating". Good for them. Now they know WHY government don't check for their problems - because THEY don't even check for their problems. They celebrating.

JokeyJack says...

Lincoln Bain them was saying something - but NIB them say it wasn't true. So I guess then there is lots of money at NIB - or Lincoln them lying - I just don't know. Maybe there is lots of money and Bahamians don't need no help on nothing. Plenty money for light bill etc. Why Lincoln them making noise? They should know Bahamians don't have no problems, and so that's why they didn't vote for them. They voted for more of the same they did get the last 49 years and today they celebrate their own cut hip.

On NIB reserves ‘in a state of decline’

Posted 10 July 2022, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I thought the USA Democrats say that guns kill people (and they want to ban them). You mean that knives kill people too? We gah have to eat with our fingers now, eh?

JokeyJack says...

Why do we educate kids anyway??? There ain't no jobs. They can just stat home and be fat dumb and happy - at least that's my proposal. The teachers can join them.

On Teachers respond to govt

Posted 8 July 2022, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Why 9 years? Why not 8 1/2. LOL. More nonsense to talk while people got bills to pay. The Minnis admin locked people in their homes during Covid. Many fought. That's over now. If yall wanna stop women getting beat, then push for laws to stop govt being able to lock us down.

JokeyJack says...

Yall worrying about a few murders while tens of thousands are dying of Covid every day? Shut up and wear your masks. Dr Darville say we must be vigilant.

JokeyJack says...

Did they have a permit from the police????

Remember in this country you must keep your mouth shut unless you have permission to open it.

JokeyJack says...

Well of course !! Whenever you think of Ukraine you think of the Bahamas at the same time ! lol lol lol. omg what a joke. Ukraine is the new cocaine - and everyone is addicted.