Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Don't be silly. Nobody is following any protocols except a few Sandilands escapees.

JokeyJack says...

Keep the masks. Frustrated people seem to be on the atreets daily shooting and killing people. Fewer people means lower apartment rents. Sounds like a good plan, rents are quite high.

JokeyJack says...

There was no COVID collapse. There was an unnecessary and ineffective restrictions collapse.

The restrictions are still here and so is COVID. Effective eh?

JokeyJack says...

Once you give your money to government via VAT or duty or stamp tax, etc., it's not yours anymore. Shut up until it's time to ink ya fingah again.

On Settlement questions

Posted 5 July 2022, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

People are frustrated wearing masks. Angry. Oxygen deprived. Brain damage leading to unusual levels of despair, frustration, and anger. Many are unable to control these gigantic feels.

When you mask it, you may cause someone else to need a casket. Look at the incredible rise in school shootings and other ahootings in USA.

Masks MAY play a large role in these deaths.

On Guns, guns and even more guns

Posted 5 July 2022, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

People are frustrated wearing masks. Angry. Oxygen deprived. Brain damage leading to unusual levels of despair, frustration, and anger. Many are unable to control these gigantic feels.

When you mask it, you may cause someone else to need a casket. Look at the incredible rise in school shootings and other ahootings in USA.

Masks MAY play a large role in these deaths.

JokeyJack says...

People are frustrated wearing masks. Angry. Oxygen deprived. Brain damage leading to unusual levels of despair, frustration, and anger. Many are unable to control these gigantic feels.

When you mask it, you may cause someone else to need a casket. Look at the incredible rise in school shootings and other ahootings in USA.

Masks MAY play a large role in these deaths.

JokeyJack says...

People are frustrated wearing masks. Angry. Oxygen deprived. Brain damage leading to unusual levels of despair, frustration, and anger. Many are unable to control these gigantic feels.

When you mask it, you may cause someone else to need a casket. Look at the incredible rise in school shootings and other ahootings in USA.

Masks MAY play a large role in these deaths.

JokeyJack says...

Yall focusing on the wrong thing. remove the masks. As long as we are forced to wear masks we are all going to starve to death. There will be no economy with masks.

JokeyJack says...

Yall focusing on the wrong thing. remove the masks. As long as we are forced to wear masks we are all going to starve to death. There will be no economy with masks.