Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Thank God that government sent away these investors. We just can't stand having any more money here in G.B. If Grand Bahamians don't slow down soon on their bank deposits, the bankers will likely start charging them storage fees instead of paying interest.

Grand Bahamians have learned how to live on "hope" and "promises" alone. Just last week, I myself bought a can of corned beef and a half gallon of expired date milk from a store. I reminded the cashier of two hopes and one promise that I had read in a newspaper somewhere and she said I could take the items and have a good day. Who needs money? Nobody in G.B. for sure.

On Gov’t turns down Ginn bid and plan

Posted 4 July 2022, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"The Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training"

Even though that name is long and awesome sounding, the school windows in the public schools still have broken screens with holes.

At least this new place may help some of our youth escape from Hell.

Don't come back cause ya won't get no business license.

On Ribbon cutting for GLX Bahamas hub

Posted 2 July 2022, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

This poor lady. Doesn't she realize that she's only a Bahamian in this country? Here, it's the worst nationality anyone can be.

JokeyJack says...

We should pay more attention to who gets to "claim" the money in our Treasury. We never get an actual expense report.

Of course, this ship (t?) works as a fine distraction.

JokeyJack says...

"Anyone with suspected symptoms of monkeypox is asked to call their health care provider or the nearest public health community clinic...."

Don't yall realize yet that nobody ain't checking for yall nonsense? Nobody gonna call. You have lost all credibility. Nobody believes you anymore. We are tired. We KNOW we are wearing masks for no good reason and until the masks go away, you might as well go away cause we ain't doing nothing. I personally boycott everything except what is absolutely needed to sustain my life. The economy can go down through the ground - I don't care - because you don't care.

On Second monkeypox case being examined

Posted 1 July 2022, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Unless you have a true necessity, compelling reason, and you are unvaccinated - you should NOT travel - I mean boycott the travel industy - boycott restaurants - boycott everything that has a mask sign on the door except what you absolutely need to survive. I don't go inside restaurants and I don't spend any money that I don't have to.

As long as yall keep "pretending" that everything is normal - they will keep it abnormal. If you allow them 10 years, then the youth will have grown up and think this IS normal. They already have had 2 years of training.

On PAHO: Prepare now for post-COVID

Posted 1 July 2022, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

These people, like the Democrats, have no idea where money actually comes from. It does not come from Agreements. Good old supply and demand. As we are invaded by cheap illegal labour from the south, Bahamians just need to get used to becoming worthless dogs.

They dont really mind being dogs. Remember those people they tossed out of Parliament in 2017? They just put them back in power again lol. lol. lol. lol. lol. lol lol. And even funnier, is the set they just threw out recently, they will put back in power in 2026 or sooner.

High prices are just one big joke to Bahamians, they love high prices.

JokeyJack says...

These people just can't shut up eh? There ain't no diseases or nothing out there for them to work on??? For God sakes somebody please pay their Netflix bill so they can occupy all their free time.

Ive been finding that my ears don't work well when i have a mask over my mouth. A strange condition, but it at least protects me from hearing foolishness most of the time.

On PAHO: Prepare now for post-COVID

Posted 1 July 2022, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Still waiting on election results to be released by polling division. Wonder why those numbers are still a secret?

JokeyJack says...

A recently amended Party constitution? LOL. Where online can this fine document be found?

My bet is on nowhere.