Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Would be better to buy $12 million of rice from Vietnam or similar place and hold it in storage to be given out by Social Services. People are going to be hungry in this country.

Airport? Airport? Every airport in this country is below standard - so why is this a sudden issue. Nobody will need to fly there after they we all starve to death - but go ahead and build it. It can be turned into a museum at some point in the future.

JokeyJack says...

All topics spoken about in Parliament by your "representative" MP, must be pre-approved and on the agenda. Your MP is not allowed to actually speak in the House, only do as he or she is told to do and say what he or she is told to say. Hannah-Martin has proven this on two occasions, being thrown out of the House simply for wanting to speak about something.

There actually aren't even any MPs - only Party members. Don't worry though, there will be LOTS of drinking and dancing in the streets on July 10th as Bahamians celebrate their continued slavery.

On Trampling on the Constitution?

Posted 10 June 2022, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Nobody gonna invest in FPO until we have an airport. A shack sitting next to a long road, ain't gonna cut it.

JokeyJack says...

A friend of mine (an unvaccinated human hating low-life) got in a car accident last week and broke both his legs. I told him, if he had been vaccinated he would have only broken one leg. He did not want to hear about it. The unbelievers !!!!! May they be condemned to suffer for all eternity in a secret experimental laboratory. China or Ukraine, either would be a fitting penalty. I have some contacts in both countries via the Dark Web and am trying to trick my friend into getting on a plane ( so he can get the "help" he needs).

On Shelf life extended for vaccine

Posted 10 June 2022, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I did the same with a gallon of milk the other day. I poured a glass and found it to be spoiled. I foolishly had not noticed the expiration date when i bought it. Silly me. Anyway, i just grabbed a pen and ...

On Shelf life extended for vaccine

Posted 10 June 2022, 6:39 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Wow. We are having rain now in the Bahamas? Rain? Seriously? Rain? Must be climate change ... LOL

JokeyJack says...

Until everyone receives the Mark of the Beast, there shall be no buying and selling. The economy will remain shut down. After we receive it (even 5 year olds soon) then we all get our shovels to start shoveling coal.

JokeyJack says...

Cool, now government has a brand new excuse not to fix the flooding on Bay Street and Pinewood that's been going on for decades. Climate change ... LOL

JokeyJack says...

Asi always say, we get budgets not expense reports. Expense reports (if they even exist) are secret.

JokeyJack says...

I guess with a brighter skin than the other migrants from down south they would pose a "threat" to Bahamians. No action on those other set though. Cutting down our trees for coal, and no enforcement.