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JokeyJack says...

SCTLD sounds like Covid for Coral. A bunch of hype. The medical community has lost all respect. I dont even wanna hear about this. If all the corals die then they die and it's the Fauci followers' faults. Too bad, too sad. We've just had enough. Bye.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. We NEVER get to learn where the money actually goes, but only get "budgets" with "projections" and the like. What money actually came into the Treasury, say, in 2018 and was spent in 2018 is a BIG secret. Even the Leader of the Opposition who serves as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee seemingly has no authority to find out what the current government (or any current government) is actually doing with "our ?" money.

JokeyJack says...

There's an airport in Grand Bahama? I thought it was a big shed nearby a runway.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. A pile of nonsense. It seems like "Weather" is the new Covid boogeyman. I guess since Covid didn't kill enough people and Monkey Socks don't fit on no feets - they using weather now to scare people. You know, global warming and all the rest. I think somebody selling adrenaline on the black market? Yes? No?

JokeyJack says...

Yep, and we never are informed where the money actually goes. We get a budget, but anyone can make a budget to say anything. In fact on my personal budget i have itemized a one million dollar donation to the local library, pending a revenue increase LOL.

JokeyJack says...

200 domes ??? 34 whore houses??? So are the other 166 used as number houses ???

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. Haitians don't need to go into hiding, they just need to stop cutting down our trees.

JokeyJack says...

Are they sure it's not "invisible" monkeypox?? Cause a recent article said we have invisible Covid since nobody is dying.

This is the prob with the globalists plan for control. The more people they kill, the fewer are left to control.

JokeyJack says...


JokeyJack says...

It sounds like you are employing Bahamians instead of those from the south. That is your error. Bahamians don't want work, that's why they keep electing the same Parties who keep them down. If God gave Bahamians wings, they would have them surgically removed.

On All truss-ed out on Budget’s tax cuts

Posted 31 May 2022, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal