Comment history

JokeyJack says...

"On our streets, guns are used in the majority of murders. A study in 2016 by the Inter-..."

I think all guns that kill people should be given lifetime prison sentences. Instead, we foolishly imprison or give the death penalty to the innocent human who merely operated the gun.

As long as we continue to do that, guns will get away with murder.

JokeyJack says...


JokeyJack says...

"...I don’t know about you, but to me it felt like, and still feels like, a lot changed during COVID that isn’t going to change back"

THAT'S only because people keep parroting (repeating) the phrase "it's never going to change back." As long a fools keep taking unnecessary flight for "vacations", things won't change back. How can you have a vacation wearing a mask. Too stupid.

The world started to decline on Nov 22, 1963 - the day Kennedy was shot, and everyone swallowed the lie of that decade - that he was killed by a "magic bullet." Very similar to the current one that "Covid" is even a thing.

JokeyJack says...

Gas stations just need to do a "hiring freeze" to cut costs, and let the lines to the pumps pile up. So simple.

JokeyJack says...

The Port Lucaya Marina on G.B. was due to have injected several tens of millions of dollars to allow the entry of super yachts and become a world class establishment. That has been to happen for several months - and it seems to have been delayed.

Now I know why. Clearly "a little bird" whispered to the investors that a new tax was on the horizon.

Silly rabbit - tricks are for kids - LOL.

JokeyJack says...

Every time one of these school and Covid stories come out, I ask the same question. Since face to face / in person learning restarted early this year, how many students have died of Covid in the Bahamas.

I saw some kind of total death figure the other week saying 800 persons - but is that students or the grand total ? And how many of them were from when schools re-opened and how many are student deaths?

On Minister confident over contact tracing

Posted 30 May 2022, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I had three discussions on this topic myself last week, and when i looked my tank was half full. It works !

JokeyJack says...

Yeah, i guess it's been enough years passed now that we can pretend we never heard this suggestion from Graham Weatherford.

JokeyJack says...

Can't you get your population there to use Voodoo to fix everything?

JokeyJack says...

If chief dont even know how many have not reported and there is "no real cut off date" then if i was an MP i wouldnt waste my time reporting either.

On ‘No count’ on late disclosures

Posted 24 May 2022, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal