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JokeyJack says...

Exactly. These people are so silly - there used to be a boogie man under every bed, now there is Corona virus underneath every mask. Invisible ??????????????!!!!!??? LOL. Yep. I saw an invisible leprechaun last week and I followed him to the end of an invisible rainbow, and there I found an invisible pot of gold, which i immediately carried to and deposited in an invisible bank. Now I have an invisible million dollars that I can spend.

On INSIGHT: The invisible wave of COVID

Posted 23 May 2022, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

What a bunch of dummies, celebrating while wearing masks.

On 1,000 turn out for return to the road

Posted 23 May 2022, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

No more deaths? Are they sure? I heard schools were shutting down and the hearses were crammed full of student bodies, no ?

JokeyJack says...

What kind of fool would march in a parade while being forced to wear a mask???

On Unions get ready for Labour Day

Posted 23 May 2022, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Wait a minute here !!! There are still students in schools????? I thought they all died when they went back to face to face learning, or at least most of them.

Does anyone know how many students in the Bahamas have died from Covid since Jan 30th?

JokeyJack says...

These attacks on our financial services have been ongoing now for YEARS. They are just crazy over there.

We ought to make it known to all near and far that No MORE investments of any kind direct or thru proxy by any EU citizen will be permitted by the Bahamas. All current investments must be sold by 2030 or they will be seized by our government. And as of 11:59pm December 31st 2022 no more flights or ships of any means of transport or any persons will be allowed to enter the Bahamas if they are citizens of the EU. Also all Internet IP address of European origin (except UK which is no longer EU) and all phone lines to the EU will be terminated. Want to telephone your friend in Paris on Jan 1st 2023? Too bad for you. You have from now until then to ask him to convince his government to stop attacking our tiny country, or move over there with him.

This is taking bread out of our mouths. We can't just roll over and play dead on this one.

Will there be negative consequences for us to implement all of the above? Of course. Big consequences. But the death of our financial services and the ongoing rule of the Bahamas from Brussels is a worse outcome.

JokeyJack says...

Why would people bring children into the world of Covid restrictions? Why would you want your child to live in prison with the rest of us? Anyone having a child in the current climate must either be mentally ill, or a follower of Satan.

New restrictions coming from the WHO on May 22nd this year. 2 days from now. They are making a plan to supersede all governments and impose global "pandemic" regulations. All countries will roll over like sheep because we are all in deep debt.

The entire world is turning into North Korea.

JokeyJack says...

The real magic trick they are performing, however, is the massive increase in stupidity among the population. It is truly amazing that people are believing this nonsense.

Somehow, most people don't realize that we have had Covid deaths because the Covid medicine has been outlawed.

If aspirin and Tylenol etc were outlawed we would have a massive increase in "cases" of headaches.

I'm sure that the Treaty to be signed on the 22nd of this month is nowhere to be found to be read. Has our Minister of Foreign Affairs seen fit to share a copy of this document with us lowly slaves ?

JokeyJack says...

Why should we show so much care and concern for the "poor" - so-called poor ????????? Let them start showing some concern for themselves and buy some condoms or get the operation or whatever.

Talk about unfair? It's not fair for me to pay higher taxes because some bozos want to have 5 or 6 children.

The migrants who live here with more rights than Bahamians (free land for example) - don't want to pay no taxes to the Treasury. They want to send all their extra money back home to help buy wood and diesel to make boats. The only tax they pay is on fuel for generator and now they complaining they gotta pay VAT on rice and turkey-fly. Why should we let them live here tax free with free land, free clinics, free schools, while we work ourselves to death to pay rent to the landlord?

VAT should remain on ALL items and next year if the economy has recovered, then it should go back up to 12%.

Bahamians don't care anyway - they don't even want to know where their VAT money goes. This question has been asked since Sweeting ran for East End - and ain't no answer yet. We don't even have election results by polling division yet - and somehow the Pan American whatever they called issued a glowing report about our "democratic" process.

We got more problems in this country than conch.