Comment history

JokeyJack says...

They are not smart enough to realize that. Besides, they don't care about having rich people in the country to bring the average level up - they want us all to be EQUAL - even if that mean being equal beggars. In fact, they love equal beggars - easy to "pursuade" to vote a certain way.

JokeyJack says...

How much positive Covid test selling for now?

JokeyJack says...

Since missing money has always happened in this country - this is a much better topic that Alfred Sears could have applied his recent "nothing new" comment to.

JokeyJack says...

"Well the power outages to my knowledge is not novel in The Bahamas. The government has made a commitment to address the power generation by increasing and incorporating actually the amount of renewable and the power sources in the generation of power to achieve 30 percent by 2030. That will not be achieved overnight."

So the NEW DAY is not actually new?????? And are you saying that we should have waited until the year 2030 to elect you ?

JokeyJack says...

Belinda, you're monitoring "cases" closely?
Glad you've got nothing imporrant to do. Us regular folk have got work to do and bills to pay. Plus we got to pay babysitters to watch our kids while yall at the beach.

JokeyJack says...

800 people have died from Covid since Wednesday? Is that what you're saying???? OMG that's terrible !!!

JokeyJack says...

"There will be a briefing today at noon by the Office of the Prime Minister giving an update on COVID-19 and its impact on schools."


Will he be SURE to inform us how many students have died across the nation from "Covid" since March 2019 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Of course he won't.

These are just some mentally ill individual who hate children, making mountains out of mole hills in their efforts to satisfy their perversion of hurting children to pay back for their own terrible upbringing. "I didn't get a good education, so I will ensure that nobody else does either". Wow. Truly sick.

how many students have died ??????????????????????????????????????

JokeyJack says...

You are a very sick individual. Please seek therapy asap. Are you a closet pedophile, and see Covid as another way to let your hatred of children come out?

JokeyJack says...

For ONCE I agree with Alicia. When they decided to remove the emergency orders - out of the blue - and only give us 30 days to license our car - we were not able to come up with excuses as to why we couldn't do it. You license and go hungry and go without medicine - or you get a ticket.

This country leaves not question as to who is the mass and who is the slave.