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JokeyJack says...

Dey light skin, make it hard to fit in. But because Bahamians look exactly like Haitians, they can never be "discovered." LOL

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. A real joke. I'm starting to think that Covid has now transitioned into a sexual fetish.

On Sands warns on rise in COVID cases

Posted 6 May 2022, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Perfect example is what is going on right now in British Virgin Islands (saying that don't want UK take-over, would rather have theft). That's us in 10 years with the way our kids are being raised.

JokeyJack says...

It all comes down to employment. Employers need to do one month in jail for every one they are found employing. Some building contractors would be sentenced to 2 years or more.

JokeyJack says...

"“Firstly, Crown land is not a part of the Ministry of Environment, but..."

**** Oh cool !!! So now I know where I can dump my old oil when I change the oil in my car. This is good news for me - thank you sir.

" I’ve entertained the thoughts of acting in a similar manner. I decided not to, it was not in the best interest of the country. The best way to do it was to abide by the process...."

Okay - the best interest of the country is to "abide by the process" of Haitians taking away OUR land acre by acre and keep our mouths shut and do nothing. Ok, I hear ya. I wonder if you deal with all of your personal problems that way. Do you ever take a bath if you smell stink? Just asking.

"Obviously that’s a violation of the grant, that’s a violation of the conditions of a grant and this problem is a vexing one....."

Oh - ok - so It's a violation - but there is nothing you can do about it, like take the land back. Oh ok. Are there any violations that Bahamians are allowed to make without consequence? Please let me know that we have at least ONE.

"I fully understand it, but I cannot condone the breaking of the laws, I cannot condone the illegal occupation....."

Okay - so you can't condone it if it's Bahamians doing it - we understand.

"Mr Miller, however, said there is concern that the ministry lacks the manpower needed to properly enforce such laws....."

Again, are there any OTHER laws that we and the Haitians can break due to your lack of manpower???? Breaking laws can sometimes be fun - let us know so we can have some fun this weekend. What about destroying other people's property? I have a nasty neighbor I would like revenge on. Can I destroy his property and get away with it because you don't have manpower? I won't do anything until I get the go ahead from you. Thanks for any assistance.

Seriously, though, we as Bahamians need to get a list from government of all the laws we are allowed to break, or if none, then a list of all the other nationalities in the world and which laws each of them are allowed to break - that way we don't get frustrated and upset and people doing things that they are actually entitled to do.

JokeyJack says...

50 years of sucking on rotten eggs - no Crown land - not freedom of information act - no financial reporting - no good schools - no good clinics (mostly) etc etc etc.

Sounds like something to celebrate??? That's an individual decision.

If you are happy, then go out and sing and dance. You won't see me there.

JokeyJack says...

This is a non-story. Those Bahamians are well aware that they do NOT possess Haitian passports and so they are not entitled to Crown land. OMG, how silly of them to make false claims.

JokeyJack says...

...and the same people who would not make Graham Weatherford Minister of Energy & Natural Resources. Uhm. So funny - easy to complain when not in power, but when they had the chance to DO something they refused.

On Henfield: We must reduce fossil fuels

Posted 6 May 2022, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

They are unable to do that. The MOF software has separate account abilities, but nobody really knows how to use them. Besides, it does not link with Swiss accounts, so that may be a problem. Also, I doubt very much that a single dollar of this so-called annual revenue has yet been received.

However, overriding all of the above is the fact that Bahamians really don't care about money - and are happy to pay 10% VAT and 45% import duty. You will see just how happy they are on July 10th. Watch the streets. Singing, drinking, dancing, you name it. Happy happy people. Government should raise VAT to 100% and Duty to 200% the we won't have any debt, the economy will stop completely, and Bahamians will be even more poor - but trust me, they will be MUCH more happy.

On Overflight fees bring in up to $32m

Posted 5 May 2022, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. Local Government boards will not be allowed to open bank accounts and keep some portion of taxes collected for direct local use. Nope. Can't happen. If you mailing a letter from San Salvador to Exuma, it still has to travel through Nassau - so that tells you all you need to know. Numbered voting ballots, etc. We live in a veiled dictatorship, but then, so do the people in the USA. We are equally free (or unfree really). This remains the case due to election laws here and there and the state of education. An uneducated population cannot operate a democracy.