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JokeyJack says...

Since 2014 they haven't figured out how to tell us "Where the VAT money gone" - so I don't hold out any hope on this one.

I wonder if, for example, when people pay their light bill at a place like Omni - if Omni is required to tell the power company how much money they collected and for who? Probably yes. But why should they? Why can't they just collect people's money and keep it and spend it without any reporting whatsoever, just like government does?

But of course, if they did not report correctly to the power company - they would be put in court and possibly go to jail. They are just ordinary common dog citizens - not high and mighty government officials - that's probably the difference.

JokeyJack says...

I like how Min Darville focuses only on the building issues - not the worker issues. Getting an appointment/promotion letter out of the Department of Public Service is near impossible. I knew someone in Social Services who had not been "confirmed" in her post after 12 years. Social Services and Nurses - it's just ridiculous. Luckily for them, Canada and USA will take them in a moment (if they have 2 years nursing experience). It's just crazy here.

Then you have the "even more crazy" situation which is it seems that air conditioners can work anywhere on the planet Earth - except Princess M Hospital. That foolishness has been going on way more than 10 years now. I wonder if the Auditor General could audit all monies spent on air conditioning the past 10 years? Of course not. The AG is not allowed to release any information from his/her investigations unless it has been tabled in the House of Assembly. We truly have amazing secrecy in this country when it comes to what happens to people's tax money - and that goes double for VAT money.

But, as I say, the people love it because they keep putting the same people in power.

On Nurses file dispute over safety

Posted 4 May 2022, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

RBDF should be given shoot to kill authorization. These migrants will get a majority here and then they will simply kill us. Persons in Abaco have had their cars torched because they were "outted" as anti immigrant.

JokeyJack says...

Doc Sands ... what a joke. How does he expect bills to be paid? He must want our currency to be like Jamaica so Bahamians can be poorer dogs that he can control better on a financial leash.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly !!! I just think some people simply are not happy unless they have a boogie man to be afraid of or to blame for something.

J Hall, people were forbidden by governments worldwide from having medication for this (whatever sickness it was) - that's why they got sicker and died.

Please ask several persons that you can find/know that went into hospital, WHAT medications they were given to take upon release and while at the hospital. The answer/s may shock you.

On What are the rules on masks?

Posted 3 May 2022, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"... and health officials reclassified several other deaths that took place between August 2020 and June 2021."

Hey, if you go back to like 1975 you can get that number up to the tens of thousands.

JokeyJack says...

Poor people need to voluntarily control their fsmily size or starve or die of viruses.
Time's up. Time to control their penises.
Too many poor starving people for too many decades. That will now come to an end nicely or not nicely. Their choice. The powers that be have had enough.

JokeyJack says...

Yes, you are correct. But of course UK won't suspend our "Constitution" (Independence Order of their Parliament) and take us over because they don't care about us.
Bahamians will still be dancing on July 10th. Bahamians dont care about Bahamians either.
Don't Stop the Carnival.

JokeyJack says...

Sad, but bills gotta pay. VAT should only be taken off of condoms.

JokeyJack says...

Of course the real issue here is those people who sneak into our country and work under the table dont want to give ANY of their money to our Treasury. Those speaking against VAT on breadbasket items are their apoligists and the ones who profit from their "cheap" labour. Of course their labour aint really cheap because Bahamians have to pay for free clinics and schools for their half dozen children per mammie.
Now flour and turkey-fly gone up. That's good.