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JokeyJack says...

Who ever knew that ALL the world's food came from the Ukraine? And to think we're only hearing this in 2022.

What a joke. If you believe this nonsense, i have a virus lab in Wuhan i can sell ya (it don't make viruses though) LOL

JokeyJack says...

China is sinking, so hopefully the flow if cheap garbage will soon stop.

JokeyJack says...

Of course the numbers doubled, and if the prime minister backs down on mask removal then over the next 3 weeks the numbers will return to normal. If the PM then waits until, say, July 3rd and starts talking about reducing restrictions (on Bahamians) then the numbers will suddenly go back up again. How anyone doesn't see this pattern is beyond me.

Of course, the people support keeping the shackles on themselves by NOW going into restaurants, traveling on planes, going in hotels and doing "normal" things WHILE things are not normal. If the people will continue to support commerce while they are subjugated as slaves then the government will happily keep them as slaves.

There is no slave, like a willing slave - they are by far the best. Congratulations to you, Bahamians, you win the title.

On COVID cases doubled in two weeks

Posted 27 April 2022, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. People are so silly not realizing that Covid has only been a killer because governments around the world (all of them) would not allow the medication for it. 3 different presidents in Africa all tried to stand up for their people - against the vaccine and in favor of the medicine - they were all killed and replaced with pro-vaccine puppets. We already have world government -and whatever the real plan and purpose of these so-called "vaccines" are I am certain will soon be revealed.

JokeyJack says...

Well, actually, we did not "give up our liberties" - they were taken from us.

JokeyJack says...

You are absolutely correct. However, your type of thinking may eventually lead to you being booted out of this country and your passport seized. We are just satisfied here to get "whatever we get". If tourists return, they return - if they don't they don't.
Clearly this man was treated unfairly. There was no reason they should have all been rounded up like dogs and taken to the airport and expelled. They should have been given the opportunity to leave the same way they came - that is, on their yacht. They should have been given that option.

Otherwise, what are we saying? If you come to the Bahamas you don't know what can possibly happen to you? You might be rounded up without warning and expelled and we keep your things and then charge you rent for us keeping them? Why would I go to a country like that?

I have not traveled anywhere in 16 months now - and the last trip was getting back home. I will go nowhere in the current global insanity environment because we no longer have human rights on the is planet. Human rights have been overthrown by "health" and "safety". Nobody seems to notice that have neither of those - but we still pretending that we have them in exchange for giving up our liberties.

JokeyJack says...

"“They’re now considering the further relaxation of the mask mandate. Right now outdoors, it’s been relaxed."

What's been relaxed about it outdoors? Masks are still required in ALL public spaces outside your own home or vehicle. Someone please update me with a link to how/when this changed. Sorry I missed it.

Also, the Covid thing is fine, I agree with the PM - but what about the invisible Leprechaun virus. (ILV) ??? A lot of people are seeing invisible leprechauns all over the place even when they close their eyes. This is causing great stress, especially because invisible things are not supposed to be visible. I've heard there is a vaccine to combat this but it has not yet been made widely available - especially in poorer countries. I understand that the vaccine will not actually prevent persons from seeing the invisible leprechauns, but will prevent severe blindness and bad luck.

JokeyJack says...

I is jokey boi.

JokeyJack says...

So as soon as there is talk of loosening restrictions, "cases" start to go up. Interesting timing. Are these cases of Kalik or Heineken?

JokeyJack says...

Yes, free speech is indeed a problem for dictators. That's why the Feds are trying to silence Musk now with fake investigations, the timing is very suspect.