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JokeyJack says...

Really???? Well then why don't you enlighten us with facfs??? How many school children have died from Covid since Feb 1sf???

JokeyJack says...

I agree. I have no problem with children being prisoners as long as i can drive on traffic free roads. Good idea. We should even considers sending all children to a cay on Ragged Island.

JokeyJack says...

How can she be thinking of schools going back to normal when just since the schools partially opened in January over 3970 students have dropped dead from Covid across the Bahamas? That's what I heard someone saying in a food store the other day. 2970 precious children dead, even though 1963 of them were wearing their masks and 1329 were double masked.

The only solution is to lock children away at home forever. They should have ankle monitors like prisoners - the germ infested little devils.

JokeyJack says...

Because to do things normally and sensibly, would allow ordinary Bahamians to benefit and prosper. The purpose of our government is keep out own people down. They've been doing it for over 40 years. They do it because the Bahamian people WANT to be kept down and LOVE living like dogs. This is why the people did not see fit to give the COI even ONE seat in Parliament this last time. They are quite happy how things are, and the Parties aren't worried because they know they keep getting back in.

On Travel rules

Posted 22 April 2022, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

If people can't afford breadbasket items then they need to buy some condoms. If they can't afford to buy them, then they need to get some from Ministry of Health or Social Services.

On ‘Take VAT off the breadbasket items’

Posted 22 April 2022, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Test their blood. They might have died from Covid. You Covid is a deadly disease. Oh yes it is. Really deadly. People are dopping like flies. Bodies lying all over the road. it's just crazy. Saw 15 people being taken out of the food store last week. Shopping carts half full. There were more than 3 persons in the store - so that explained it perfectly. Covid knows not to attack unless there are more than 3 persons. It's a very smart virus. Were these people wearing masks? That's the real question. Condolences to the families, but unless a news story has to do with Covid, I simply ignore it. Covid is our life now. Nothing else matters. Don't forget to keep your kids masked up and locked up at home. I think they need to develop Covid Cages. Yeah - that would be good. Put everyone in a Covid Cage.

On Two more gunned down

Posted 22 April 2022, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"“Until our laws empower our police officers to arrest criminals without a formal complaint from the victim, we’re swinging at justice with two hands tied behind our backs." He is right about that !!!!

This is true. The other day I was stopped for running a red light. The officer saw my 45 cal sitting on the dashboard. He said he was going to arrest me if I could not produce a concealed carry permit. I told him I did not have one, and asked him if he was in possession of a formal complaint. He told me he did not have one. So I told him to carry his hip back to the station and stop talking nonsense.

The ministry of education refuses to revise the curriculum in this country so that our children can learn what they need to learn to be productive citizens and understand basic laws that apply to them - like how to register to vote, how votes are counted, how to renew a passport, how to get car insurance, how to buy land, what is an amortization schedule, etc. etc. etc. Instead we have a population of invalids who just are blown in every direction as the wind changes with no goals and no way to achieve them if they had them.
We are simply not serious about becoming a first world country,

A friend went to renew her passport the other day. Was told she had to complete an application form. She is over 40 years old and has had a passport since 18. The application form asked for her date of birth. Seriously? Her date of birth is not in the computer? Not tied to her NIB "smart" card. Asked for her mother's name. Seriously? Her mother's name is not in the computer? This process makes appicants look like beggars. Like we have to BEG to get a renewed passport after having one for 20 years, renewed 3 times. Your NIB number is on the back of your drivers license but not government office will accept that as proof of your NIB# - yet they fail to summon the police to arrest your for presenting a false document at the time. Obviously you must have lied to Road Traffic about your NIB number there and the clerk did not ask to see your NIB card or replacement letter right? Silliness at every turn. We as a people just clearly love being stupid and keeping our fellow citizens down - meanwhile those from other countries come here, work together as a team and are cutting our hips.
When people are told that they are beggars, and we learn that all of us are beggars then it becomes easier to kill them with guns -because you are not killing a valuable child of God - but simply a useless beggar. They won't be missed. Beggars certified by government forms.

On ‘Get rid of the guns’

Posted 22 April 2022, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

True, and people like Wallace also don't seem to be all concerned about governments around the world (especially the USA) banning the medications that cure Covid. Of course people will die from a disease if the medicine for that disease is outlawed. Duh. What a bunch of simpletons. What if government banned chemotherapy and then we had an increase in people dying from certain forms of cancer? Would we then conclude that those types of cancer are more deadly? Are we really that dense? Covid is not deadly. Covid without medication to cure it is certainly deadly.

On ALICIA WALLACE: Keep the masks

Posted 21 April 2022, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I'm sure I will see all of you dancing on July 10th celebrating your freedom.

JokeyJack says...

You don't need to go to the restroom more than once a day !!!! That is ridiculous. Simply tie a mask from the top of the your underwear wasteband and wrap the other elastic tightly around your scrotum. The mask will catch any leakage and prevent the virus from entering thru your anus at the same time. I've been doing this over a year now and it is working perfectly fine for me. I recommend it strongly. For women, maybe think of some way of tieing up to the man in the boat. Be creative. You people just aren't creative enough. When you are a slave you have to think of things to make your life worthwhile. The old slaves used to jump over brooms at wedding ceremonies. That made lots of sense and as a resulf they were practically free. We can be practically free under a dictatorship also. Just keeeping voting FNM and PLP and pretending you are free. It's a good life, and a new day.