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JokeyJack says...

For the love of Jesus !!!!! Will somebody please find an empty rocket ship we can stick this man in it and send him into outer space ??? Any course heading will do.

He surely can't have any visions of running for office in the future.

JokeyJack says...

You are wrong !!! The mask mandates must remain in place for children especially. Without masks, children will be able to function properly in school and not get sick from breathing fungus built up on masks. Do you really want children to learn and become productive members of society? They will grow up and threaten to take your job. We must keep children sick and ignorant, that is the only way that we can have job security.

Most of these children are just the result of broken condoms anyway, and so they don't really deserve freedom - nor even do they deserve life truly when you think about it.

I say mask them up !!! Double mask them !!! Triple inject them with experimental chemicals !!! Lock them up at home !!!! Maybe there are even some other things we can think of to do to them, and just explain our actions by saying "We are saving their lives". ? Let's use our imagination.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly correct. The US media tells Americans what they must believe (and Bahamians too). Nobody seems to want to seriously address the question of WHY Ukraine should join NATO, let alone Sweden and FInland.

Where is the threat from Russia? Russia is a part of the global community (as we are learning with higher oil and wheat prices) and have caused no problems. China is the one deploying killer satellites in space, and blocking open pathways in the "South China" Sea, and destroying economies of small nations around the world with devastating "loans".

Focusing on Russia, gives China the break from the spotlight. They can now continue their take-over of the world and develop new improved viruses in their labs which nobody is allowed to inspect (or even suggest make viruses). A free and clear path for Chinese world domination.

Thank God someone (Putin) is standing up to them (which is what this is all about behind the scenes).

On Who gains from a long war?

Posted 17 April 2022, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

4th????? Im on my 17th booster and Dr Fauci says im soon going to be fully protected against some kind of tingum.

JokeyJack says...

Why should we pay more in taxes when government refuses outright to tell us now what they are doing with our money?

We don't even have election results yet by polling division, so you are talking about increasing funding to a dictatorship. It would be better for us to die now with the little freedom we have before we lose it all.

On Bahamians must pay for benefits they want

Posted 14 April 2022, 5:04 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Local people are just fine and don't need any help. They have refused to give even ONE seat in Parliament to either the bcp, cdr, dna, or COI.
Bahamians love the PLP and FNM and always being last on the list and the laughing stock of the world.
Your idea would help them, and that would only make them sad.

JokeyJack says...

Dr Sands, all during the Covid thing you have been one of many not advocating Ivermectin. People sick without medication often die. Now you are "shocked" that we have high health care costs?
Wow. Just wow.

JokeyJack says...

Recommendations on how to deal with????

Are yall stupid?
Did you just arrive in the Bahamas last week?
You didn't consider this issue before you ran for election?
Yall take 5 years to figure out what to do with your power and then want us to give you another 5 to actually do something?
Nope. Ya gone in 5 years.

On Shanty towns being probed

Posted 13 April 2022, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"Such persons often faced waiting periods of several years for the government to decide on their nationality applications and, as a result, in the interim lacked proper documentation to secure employment, housing, and other public services."

Yeah? But it don't stop them from breeding and making more stateless persons. So they themselves don't care about "statelessness" because they inflict it on their own children.

Haitians are masters at fooling people all over the world that they need help, meanwhile white South Africans are being slaughtered and even New Zealand won't offer them amnesty.

How's that Mexico border going, by the way?

JokeyJack says...

Good point, we should until the new law can take effect. The new law should place them on one of the Exuma Cays in those highly shark infested waters.