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JokeyJack says...

No sir. It does not show that.

It shows the need for the Bahamian people to REMOVE the FNM and PLP from power and put in a government that will tell us where the H all our money is going !!!

JokeyJack says...

So now Bahamians not only lost their schools and clinics to Haitians, but we gotta drink Haitian piss in our water. Ok.

On Concern over illegal land clearances

Posted 1 April 2022, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Minister Miller, we are concerned !!!!

We don't need YOU to be concerned. We need YOU to do something about it.

Man, yall could talk, eh? Muddo.

On Concern over illegal land clearances

Posted 1 April 2022, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Yall need to be left behind, because you have left the people of GB behind. Yes, you, the taxi drivers. Years ago we used to have a taxi union here that stood up for injustice, by striking and leaving tourists at the airport and elsewhere.

Why haven't you done that in so many years when there are so many issues related to tourism that call for it? The Princess road closure for example, with no hotel to justify it.

Recently the government has decided that masks do not need to be worn in hotel lobbies, hotel casinos (but our gaming houses though), neither in hotel hallways nor even outside on hotel properties if the (very jokey) distance of 3 feet is maintained by non-family members (who is monitoring this?). Covid don't go in hotels? Did they send a memo on this to the virus itself?

Meanwhile Bahamians (including you taxi drivers) have to wear your mask anytime you show your face in public (well, actually I should say every time you DON'T show you face because now showing your face is illegal).

Then you coming here begging for crumbs off the table?

I hope they don't give you a red cent, and triple your taxi plate fee, and all of ya get flat tire.

On ‘Don’t leave us behind’

Posted 1 April 2022, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Junkanoo has become a totally unfair thing fraught with political interference. We also keep changing the dates and times - nearly every year. Nobody knows WHEN Junkanoo is - for long time now - I gave up about 4 years ago even bothering to find out.

We need a fixed date for elections fixed dates (or like 3rd Saturday or whatever) for Junkanoo.

Of course that won't happen, just the when there is early leave on Christmas Eve for government workers - Cabinet refuses to say what time of day they can go home until about 2 hours before that time. Just a power trip, and keeping the slaves in their place.

The slaves will be out to celebrate their slavery on July 10th - mark my work. Many slaves will show up.

On More cash for Junkanoo - and changes too

Posted 31 March 2022, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

A lot of good ideas by those commenting here, but let me just say that a word of approval should also be given. We NEED police in the school. I just hope that this word "several" doesn't mean 7. He should assign at least 4 police officers to EACH of these schools, and work toward having at least 3 in ALL schools. 8-Mile Rock High School in Grand Bahama needs 20 police assigned there right now. Yes, 20. Anyone who disagrees with this is ill-informed or a part of the problem. Please don't go by the TINY bit of info you get in the newspaper.

The problems have gotten WAY out of hand, and just like a diabetic foot - now needs to be CUT OFF or else the patient (The Bahamas) is going to die.

There should be 500 police officers assigned to schools around the country from TODAY until the end of school and end of national examination period. Then this program can be reviewed and revised to be ready for September.

Other than what I have suggested above, we are just saying that we don't really care about our children and admitting that, in fact, they are just the result of broken condoms.

JokeyJack says...

What a joke !!!! This debate was covered completely by the last election in which the Bahamian people chose to elect a "brave" man to represent them with the Queen's permission.

The Party that put forward a plan to make the Bahamas move toward becoming a republic was the Coalition of Independents, under their Chairman Charlotte Green.

The Bahamian people chose to remain slaves. End of story. Wait until the next 5 years silly rabbit.

On The debate on Republic has begun

Posted 28 March 2022, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

More people moving around and spreading the virus. This economic activity must stop !!! Last week alone over 830 Bahamians died from the Coronavirus. Over 4,000 died in the month of February (so I heard). This is just crazy. Funeral home workers are having sleepless nights and no days off (contrary to labour law).

Yet, tourists are allowed to prance around hotel lobbies and casinos and elsewhere without wearing masks. Bahamians are ordered to wear masks, and like good well behaved slaves we don our masks daily. Live are saved.

I predict if Bahamians are allowed to go without masks, over 9,000 school children will die within 3 days and over 740,000 Bahamians will die in total in less than a week. Government must keep the mask laws, if we are to be allowed to live.

JokeyJack says...

This would be great if they gave a damn and appointed a Governor General that was not party affiliated and they advised him on all "consultations" with the PM that the Constitution requires, instead of always having ceremonial rubber stamp lackeys.

We will see if they are lackeys too or if they're gonna take the bull by the horns and help us in that way.

With the reef they probably talking about giving money. It does no good to give money to the Bahamas - there is never any accountability. The people never see these "grants".

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. They would rather watch children die in school. Well, they are getting their wish.