Comment history

JokeyJack says...

These disgusting people need to stop their foolishness. all of you who go to church under the current "pandemic" and put money in the plate are true idiots. The government telling you there is a pandemic. In pandemic you don't come out ya house unless necessary - but yall coming out wearing mask al on ya own to go give money?

This is more stupid that what the real slaves did in the 1800's. They were smart. They did not put on their shackles voluntarily and they sure as heck didn't give the massa no money. How stupid can Bahamians be? I wish there was a world-wide "Stupid Contest" so we could at least win something.

JokeyJack says...

This man needs to pay attention to students who's lives are being ruined by wearing masks. Stop the foolishness. I didn't see the Prince and Princess wearing any. Bahamians are still black and second class it seems. When will slavery actually end?

Stop making our children breathe germs all days and be unable to speak properly and learn facial expressions. This is killing our children. How many children have died from Covid??? Zero. Those two who "died from Covid" had other serious health issues. If a car runs over you, you don't die from Covid.

On Truancy issue likely worse in pandemic

Posted 25 March 2022, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

She is complaining about things that need complaining about. There is a teacher shortage, for the reasons mentioned by commenters above. Watch for July 10th though, Bahamians will be out dancing and celebrating their "independence". The best slave is a slave who doesn't know he's a slave.

JokeyJack says...

Please don't talk about illegals in the Bahamas - you will only end up losing your citizenship and getting locked up.

On Munroe ready to put police into schools

Posted 24 March 2022, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Good point, but we are where we are now, and so police are needed now. Stop the bleeding (literally) and then we can try lock up some parents also. Many many many of them need to be locked up. But, of course, those parents who need to be locked up and many of their friends and family members are voters and so Mr. Munroe can't put all of his voters in jail - and rightly so because if the majority of Bahamians WANT children to be stabbed in schools, then it is the responsibility (under a democracy) for the government to provide them with their wishes. Let the children be stabbed and killed - that's what the people want (probably because they couldn't afford an abortion in the first place, right?).

On Munroe ready to put police into schools

Posted 24 March 2022, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Government schools have constant stabbings, gangs, violence, teacher shortage. Just like many other government schools. Nobody wants to be a teacher at these places to get killed. The children get a slap on the wrist when they assault someone, stab them, kill them, whatever and these things don't even make the news. This is evident from this morning's paper which does not even mention the incident on G.B. They "talking" about police in the schools. Really? Talking about it? Police need to be more than one police that the teenagers sneak up behind and stab or hit with rock on the head. One police can't control no government school. Need 5 to some of these schools, minimum.

On Munroe ready to put police into schools

Posted 24 March 2022, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

She need to stop worrying about Abaco, that island is controlled from Port au Prince. She need to worry about Bahamians. 8-Mile Rock High School in G.B., stabbings, gangs, violence, teacher shortage. Just like many other government schools. Nobody wants to be a teacher at these places to get killed. The children get a slap on the wrist when they assault someone, stab them, kill them, whatever and these things don't even make the news. This is evident from this morning's paper which does not even mention the incident on G.B. They "talking" about police in the schools. Really? Talking about it? Police need to be more than one police that the teenagers sneak up behind and stab or hit with rock on the head. One police can't control no government school. Need 5 to some of these schools, minimum.

JokeyJack says...

In my opinion, Mr. Smith, or anyone holding similar views, must be perfectly happy with foreigners coming in and taking over this country. If they love those foreigners so much, why doesn't Mr. Smith and his ilk all move to whatever country they love so much and leave us Bahamians alone ?

JokeyJack says...

Only a Referendum can amend the Constitution. That's the point. It is an agreement by us with them to govern a certain way. If they want to change that way, then they have to ask us.

Of course, I realize that this is all in theory because most people here and in the USA and most of Europe are too ignorant to even know what this is all about. Therefore the elites and the powerful and the rich just run right over them and they get left behind, left with table scraps, left with no options in life and a terrible life - while they busy themselves making babies who grow up to be the next generation of slaves.

JokeyJack says...

Further to my reply to Tribanon, I would add that the main reason I state that Americans don't even know what a constitution is, is due to the high percentage of them who oppose the direct reading of the 2nd Amendment.

Those people believe that the passage means that "a militia" refers to the army. It does not. They also shriek at the idea that one day citizens would rise up and overthrow the government (like what happened when Washington and Hamilton did it). The very purpose the founders meant by that Amendment was precisely so that the citizens COULD remove a government should that government step too far out of line. The Chinese citizens and the North Korean citizens would have done that long time, but some moron like Nancy Pelosi (her equivalent) talked them into turning in their guns.