Comment history

JokeyJack says...

You are correct. Unfortunately, because civics is not taught in our high schools (who would teach it? LOL) - people don't even know what a constitution is. Even Americans don't know what a Constitution is. It is an agreement between a people and their government. We allow a certain group of people to be "in charge" of things "manage things" under certain conditions, certain stipulations, etc. However, it has gotten out of control and governments around the world have somehow come to believe that elections can be done by mail and that Dr. Fauci is the right hand of God.

JokeyJack says...

You mussy trying to get into trouble like the people who put a foreigner as president of UB. The Pindling "Bahamianization" thing went way to far, and is still with us today. We just don't want to learn from foreigners to improve ourselves, we know everything already and don't need no help. Garbage on the road? What garbage? I don't see any - LOL.

On Commissioner: I’m retiring this year

Posted 23 March 2022, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

“I will reiterate again that if you see something, say something with respect to persons in your community who are brandishing firearms who you know have firearms to report them to police so that we could take action,” Supt Peters said.

Why do the police keep saying this when they KNOW that people are not allowed to do this. You can't just tell a police officer this on the street, or write a note and stick it on the station door when nobody is looking. You have to file a formal complaint/report and sign it.

Otherwise the police do nothing and say "We couldn't take action because no report was filed."

JokeyJack says...

Yall keep looking in the past for "reparations" while your future is being destroyed. Keep it up. See how that works.

On Royals ‘must reckon’ with reparations

Posted 23 March 2022, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly - and that's because there is no accounting for the money we pay in taxes. I don't know why we even have a Ministry of Finance. We should just put the money into the Treasury and the PM can write cheques - because that is exactly what happens now.

On Time to clean up Downtown

Posted 23 March 2022, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"... sees the current trend in cases as encouraging, she believes that COVID cases will “flare up” and settle down again periodically. Dr Forbes said COVID is “here to stay”."

It's the flu, you moron. It seems like it's a terrible disease but that's only because you won't allow doctors to prescribe medicine. Why not outlaw shoes, because horses wear shoes?

JokeyJack says...

Hopefully Putin will fix it.

JokeyJack says...

I like the LOL, but it is not a LOL. It is very serious - hopefully Putin will keep them so busy that they cannot continue their nonsense.

I wonder if it was Dr. Fauci who spoke to the Corona Virus and told it to avoid hotel lobbies, hallways, and casinos in the hotels in the Bahamas. Or does Dr. Darville have the Coronavirus on his Whatsapp?

This has got to be the smartest virus ever in this entire galaxy. It has calendar, clock, and GPS. Super smart. Smarter than me even.

JokeyJack says...

It's always law abiding Bahamians who have to REPORT crime and criminals thereby putting their lives at risk. How many times have you heard police saying verbally and in the newspaper that "There was nothing we could do because nobody filed a report." Seriously? They live in a bubble and don't know anything that is going on, while we know everything?

On Minister: Report the killers

Posted 17 March 2022, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

For a man who did not finalize the FOI act so the people can know what is happening to their tax money, he ought to be quiet about accountability and anything to do with money.

And the talk about Abaco - well we all know that Abaco is run from its headquarters in Port au Prince - so there is really no place for the word "Abaco" to be spoken in the Bahamian House of Parliament.