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JokeyJack says...

True dat.

JokeyJack says...

Agreed. Whenever tourists ask me directions or anything i just tell them to ask Fauci or Biden their questions. I too busy suffering under their stupid regulations to answer questions from stupid tourists. Stupid because they would submit to an erroneous virus test just to go on vacation. What morons.

JokeyJack says...

Took away Bahamian nurse students lunch vouchers in 2010 and now hiring Cuban nurses. Basically if you are a Bahamian in the Bahamas, dog eat ya lunch.

But you will all the Bahamians dancing on July 10th. They love crumbs from the table.

JokeyJack says...

Our kids have been going with a proper education since Pindling kicked the white teachers out in 87. Under the excuse of "Bahamianization" he then hired lots from Gyana and Jamaica. Now they can roll spliffs properly.

JokeyJack says...

Is it true that wearing a mask prevents heart attacks? I know a lot of people who have not had heart attacks in the last two years, and they have all been wearing masks. Coincidence?

Also, as someone who truly HATES children, (can't stand their screaming and laughing and inability to sit still) - it brings me no end of joy to see them forced to wear masks every day at school and when downtown our in public. Hard to breathe??? Good for them.

JokeyJack says...

Unvaccinated Bahamians are allowed to go to the USA, they are simply not allowed to apply for a VISA. It is important to remember that a good place NOT to go is a place that you are NOT welcome. If the USA (or anywhere else) does not want you, why would you want to go there? I have not gone over there for over 18 months now. It can be 18 years if I continue to remain unwelcome. I would never go to someone's house for dinner unless they invited me.

JokeyJack says...

Are these teachers fluent in Creole? Otherwise they gonna have a hard time coping.

JokeyJack says...

I love how MPs always have "VISION" when they are not in power. Even them (like Minnis) seem to have no vision, now serving as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee where he has all power to oversee and inquire on government finances ............ wait for it ...... nope - not a word about where our money is going.

When Davis was in opposition - same thing - they keep talking about making a Freedom of Information Act when they get in power - instead of just calling a meeting of the committee and sending demand letters out to the Financial Secretary.

JokeyJack says...

Yep - Bahamians are treated like dogs daily by the Government (both sides) - but yet there are so many FOOLs who come out every July to celebrate "Independence" and dance and drink and be merry. This man has missed the last 36 celebrations - while we danced.

Can anyone organize a boycott of this year's Independence Celebrations? Anyone? As long as we dance around like fools and be happy, the Government will think "They just alright" and keep doing what they have always been doing (and I actually don't blame them them - if it ain't broke don't fix it) - and if you look at the way we carry on you would conclude that nothing is broke.

On 36 years locked away on a 7-year sentence

Posted 1 March 2022, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Someday the Bahamas will have its own airline, and then this problem will go away - LOL.