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JokeyJack says...

Apology - ok - cool - but does this mean that you are no longer gonna "run ya 'mout" about stupid Covid rules? Are you going to fight to allow the children of the Bahamas to be able to breathe in school? To be able to breathe at all? Travon Martin? You have your foot on their necks?

On Pintard: Sorry for mistakes we made

Posted 28 February 2022, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Those days aren't over just because the media says "those days are over." Putin knows what he is doing, and I am grateful to him for curing Covid. I notice there is nothing about Covid in the news the past few days. If this is what it take for that, then it's worth it. The USA has been pushing to expand NATO for years now, going back a while to them wanting to put a missile defense system in Pohland. WHY? Why expand a protection pact against an "enemy" who is not threatening you? Why seek to bring other old Eastern satellite countries into NATO? Russia won't just sit still and let the enemy expand on its border and circle it with a noose. The threat of NATO expansion has caused this war. Russia supplies the USA with 600,000 (six hundred thousand) barrels per day. What's going to happen when they turn that spigot off? No forethought on the part of President Fauci.

On EDITORIAL: Ukraine conflict will affect us all

Posted 27 February 2022, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You are correct. However, Covid is not the only problem. Lately I've been seeing lots of invisible goblins everywhere I look. I've been stabbed by 27 of them over the past week. Luckily none have penetrated my skin or caused any bloodshed. The week before there were 45 of these invisible goblins right outside my home and inside my bedroom at night. It is very difficult to focus on them when I can't actually see them. In any event, I have created for myself a list of protocols to follow - such as wearing a sleeping mask which covers my eyes even while I am awake walking through the apartment. I think it is better to be safe than sorry - plus it is preparing me should one day I lose my eyesight, I will already know how to walk around that way. Safety first. I just wish there was an experimental vaccine I could take to stop me from seeing them.

JokeyJack says...

Perhaps we need to have the death penalty for anyone who comes out of their home or is in or out of the home and ceases reading the Bible for more that 15 minutes at a time. 16 hours of Bible reading per day, enforced.

Those who try to have a life should be put to death !!!!!

JokeyJack says...

Yes, that is all true - and we all know his name. However, because somebody broke the law 40 years ago and caused a problem - should not mean that we can't solve the problem today. But Abaco today is owned by a certain out-island resort operation (which we all know the name of as well). Working as slaves and being treated worse than dogs, however, has not stopped Abaconians from popping out babies as if all was well. I guess all is well if ya belly swell?

JokeyJack says...

This structure may possibly belong to a Haitian national. I would caution the government to tread carefully here. They need to first check with our leaders in Port au Prince.

JokeyJack says...

In other words, it's used to make all kinds of planning and policy decisions - but we won't tell you what those are. We also won't tell you whether Bill will use the data to design the new deadly virus that he recently said is coming.…

On Census to be completely digital

Posted 21 February 2022, 10:47 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly - this is what always happens when Bahamians point out any lack of enforcement of laws on non-Bahamians. The govt turns against us and comes at US with a vengeance. Of course we still keep voting them into power over and over and over again - so we like using Vaseline.

On Revised building code ‘this year’

Posted 16 February 2022, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"...he added that moving to a so-called “livable wage” - a promise contained in the Davis administration’s Speech from the Throne - is an aspiration that is much further away."

Bahamians don't need a livable wage. They are quite happy with the way things have been for the past 45 years - that's why they keep voting in the same FNM and PLP.

Why would you change the living conditions for people who are already happy?

JokeyJack says...

The Bahamas will be the LAST country on Earth to remove all the restrictions - just like we are last in everything else. We're used to it, long time. So this story is not even news.

On Restrictions remain as fourth wave dying out

Posted 16 February 2022, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal