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JokeyJack says...

"Dr Darville said officials are still trying to determine how many people are in the hospital because of COVID-19 versus how many people are there for other health reasons even though they have the virus."

Would you like me to come there and interview all 58 patients? I could also train a couple of nurses how to ask revealing questions like "What made you decide to come to the hospital?" You know, stuff like that.

JokeyJack says...

And the poor ba....ds have to wear masks all day and night while driving in the police vehicles.

On 923 police officers promoted this month

Posted 2 January 2022, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It's truly incredible that when the government (these 3 & 4 letter agencies you site) say "you are not allowed to have medication", that there are always people like you that will stand up and defend them. You still did not answer why don't we outlaw ALL early treatment for ALL diseases, and only do it for Covid.

On Dilemma of reopening the schools

Posted 1 January 2022, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

“There is no more curfew, but our people have become used to the curfew..."

There is no more slavery, but our people have become used to being slaves...

JokeyJack says...

So if you test positive, you should isolate? Really? That's it? Is that what we have done the last 50 years? Doctors never gave medication when someone got ... ?

JokeyJack says...

I think it was Ingraham who neutered the unions, wasn't it? Doesn't the law now say that they need permission to strike? It's not even called a strike anymore but "industrial action" - kinda like how we don't have any blind people anymore (makes us feel all warm and cozy knowing that blindness has been fully eradicated and everyone can see). There are a few visually impaired persons - but that's not like being blind, right?

No real unions, no real strikes, no real workers' rights. Slavery back in action full force. Everyone wearing shackles (now with a name change also, currently called masks).

JokeyJack says...

Can't think of any other freedoms you want to take away from us Mr. Bodie? Use your imagination, I'm sure you can come up with some more. Perhaps just tear up our Constitution entirely? Constitutions are posing a legal problem for tyrants the world over.

The Omicron is a coronavirus. Delta is a coronavirus. The coronavirus is a coronavirus and the flu is a coronavirus. Except that the first two listed have clearly had their gene sequences manually manipulated (this from the inventor of the MRNA technology himself). There is no solution to coronaviruses. They are uniquely evolved to live WITH us and they have done so for many thousands of years. Over 80,000 people died in the USA from the flu in the 2017-2018 winter season. Where was the uproar and shutdowns then?

The problem we are facing today is not the virus, but the new protocols which (unlike with the flu) forbid doctors from treating the illness both early and with medication. Early treatment is not allowed. Medication is not allowed. Without those two long used components of clinical treatment, there should be no surprise that people are getting sicker and dying. Why don't we outlaw early treatment for ALL diseases then, if it is the right thing to do?

However, like a great pretense from a Shakespeare play, everyone goes around pretending that people who become sick with these coronaviruses are being treated by the medical community worldwide and that the medicines are simply not enough. Yet (as pretenses work) they simultaneously KNOW that no treatments, no medicines, are being given (except Tylenol LOL).

We all also pretend that nobody is aware that people who get sick (with anything) are deliberately avoiding doctors and hospitals because nobody knows what will happen to you if you end up in a hospital. Friends and family are not allowed to come in and check on you - and so you just disappear into a dark unknown void filled with insufficient doctors and nurses (because many are not allowed to work unless they have fully bought into the no-medication mantra and injected Trump's bleach).

We ALL know (and please don't claim that you don't) somebody who has died over the past 19 months of some illness or the other because they avoided early treatment because they were AFRAID to seek medical attention - because nobody knows what "medical attention" means anymore.

Why don't we also outlaw Band-aids and bandages of all kinds and tourniquets and then walk around foolishly bemoaning how people are bleeding to death when they get a severe cut? That would make exactly the same amount of sense as what we are doing now.

On Dilemma of reopening the schools

Posted 31 December 2021, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

With Covid leaving fewer employment options, some people may be considering an exciting career in drug smuggling, human smuggling, money laundering, murder for hire, robbery, or racketeering. Wonder if BTVI should start to offer classes in these potentially futuristic fields?

Hopefully nobody gets killed in or because of these pursuits, because that would then defeat the purpose of saving them from Covid - right?

JokeyJack says...

The CDC is phasing out the PCR test. Guess they are going to replace it with a new test that provides the higher positivity rate that they crave. Stay tuned. Trust me, a new test will be out VERY soon and the number of "cases" that it reports will be VERY high. There is way too much money being made by the ringleaders of this circus to take down the tent right now. The show must go on.…

I've also heard rumors that for any new diseases that emerge in 2022, doctors will also not be allowed to prescribe medication for them, but only offer newly created MRNA injections - multiple with boosters. 7 new diseases with 4 injections like Covid (8 diseases in total, 32 injections). It's the new protocol. No soup for you.

JokeyJack says...

You are suggesting that Omicron is just another Coronavirus like the common cold is a Coronavirus like the Earth revolves around the sun? You are risking being burned at the stake buddy. Be careful. Omicron is deadly. Last count I did, I found only 75 people left on the entire planet. I suspect that there was a much older virus named Domicron that killed the dinosaurs. They wisely put a "D" in front of omicron because Dinosaurs starts with "D" in order to make the relationship stand out clearly. Follow THE science !!!!