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JokeyJack says...

"With our hotels, you must realise the majority of them are practically full and there has to be some activity for their guests, including the restaurants,” he said."

There has to be some activity for them? But we can't have Junkanoo? I no longer speak to tourists or smile at them. We can't go back to being 2nd class citizens in our own country. Tourists need to stay out as long as they have more benefits than we do. This applies also to that other group of people that we can't mention (from another country) due to super racism.

JokeyJack says...

If 1000 people walk across a field filled with landmines and 100 of them do not get blown up and make it all the way across we can say "Many people walked across that field without getting blown up." Yep. We can say that. I know the poor need food, but they also need to learn about family planning. I know for a fact that there are still churches in this country (not including the Catholics) who instruct their flock NOT to use any form of birth control. That is a fact.

On Cost of change from playing ‘VAT politics’

Posted 28 December 2021, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"Fortunately that scenario hasnt happened anywhere other than the airline industry,..." NOPE - it hasn't happened there either. Pilots are just calling in sick to prepare the public for what is going to happen in January when Biden's new mandate takes effect. The public has to decide it they want the pilots who have been flying for 21 months now to continue flying or if they are now a danger like the doctors and nurses that risked their lives and survived Covid and have natural immunity in order to save tens of thousands of people's live during the "pandemic" and are true heroes - but are not being treated as idiots and many have been fired and many more will be fired. Then the news is saying hospitals are over capacity. They are not over capacity, it's just that the hospitals have fired the doctors and nurses - LOL. The media will not report the truth. Same with supply chain - people who cut up the chickens etc are simply not coming to work and choosing to sweep the floors somewhere else or do other work to survive instead of getting injected with who-knows-what.

JokeyJack says...

"“We are also increasing outreach for the ongoing procurement of vaccines because vaccines remain the best way to reduce the severity of the disease and death..."

Wonder how much longer vaccines will remain "the best way"? My car wouldn't start since 6 months ago. Every morning I go out and hit the hood once with a sledgehammer and try to start it. It still hasn't started after 180 hits. But I believe that hitting the hood with a sledgehammer is "the best way" to get my car started. Really? That's insane.

JokeyJack says...

After the 26th shot, we will return to normal. LOL. Anyone with an ounce of sense can know something is wrong when doctors are forbidden from treating a disease and pharmacies are forbidden from filling certain prescriptions. People are dying from Covid? Of course they are - since they are not allowed to have medication. People would die from ANY disease if they were not allowed to be treated for that disease.

JokeyJack says...

The captain of the yacht was probably busy adjusting his mask properly in an effort the save lives. The loss of the tanker is a small price to pay by comparison.

JokeyJack says...

Nothing hurts lower income people. They still fill up the baby delivery rooms at PMH. You could make VAT 900% on breadbasket items and the belly will still swell just like in Ethiopia. Education is what they need much more than "compassionate tax breaks".

On Cost of change from playing ‘VAT politics’

Posted 26 December 2021, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Rearrange the letters in DELTA and omicron to spell "media control". That's no coincidence.

On ‘We need to tighten restrictions’

Posted 25 December 2021, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Don't waste time opening schools. Our kids dont want to learn, but instead play video games and go on Tik Tok. Besides, there are no jobs for them when they graduate - so what they need to learn anything for?

JokeyJack says...

All of you who want more restrictions please drive out to Fox Hill and ask the officers to put you in a cell for 6 months. After 6 months, you can reconsider.

On ‘We need to tighten restrictions’

Posted 24 December 2021, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal