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JokeyJack says...

Oh, one more thing, if so may people are dying - how come rents aren't coming down?

JokeyJack says...

People don't know about the Jews being forced to "take showers". Of course, just like this vaccine is not a vaccine, the showers weren't showers either.

On Sands: Country is on its knees

Posted 9 September 2021, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You know - you are right, and I've never even commented on that - because I don't believe that the majority of Bahamians actually believe in God. Sunday is dress-up day. If they believed in God they would not allow His children to be treated the way they are in the prison.

BUT, yes, these people behind this new Covid (got a cough, got Covid) scheme will be paying a very heavy price under His hand. So if anybody wants to know who the Satan worshippers are - it is easy - it is the people who are telling you to get vaccinated, to wear a mask, to wash your hands, to stand apart in line, etc. while at the same time telling you NOT to take medicine for this supposed sickness. Wow. A sickness that we are not allowed to take medicine for - who could have thought this one up. And the people just love it. I see so many out there proudly wearing their masks, believing they are saving the world. The ought to add a red cape to their wardrobe.

On Sands: Country is on its knees

Posted 9 September 2021, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"To date, 453 people have died from covid-19."

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol 453 lol lol lol

So that is supposed to be a lot of people after a year and a half? Plus we all know that a lot of them died from other illnesses but it just so happened that they caught Covid in hospital and tested positive before (or after) they died. So they died "with" Covid, not from it.

I'm watching out for invisible dinosaurs. Somebody told me that they are tiptoeing around all over town, walking carefully not to crush vehicles in the street - but you have to be careful that they don't step on you. It's terrible that you can't see them - but know that they are there. Watch out !!!!!!!

JokeyJack says...

The beauty of democracy is that you get to choose to re-elect those who you feel have "earned it". If, for you, that is either the PLP or the FNM then wit God's mighty power behind you PLEASE go and vote for whichever one you want. That is democracy. The people choose. IF they choose to live in mud puddles with outside toilets, then they should get to live that way. A way of life is a cultural thing - and nobody should interfere with a country's culture. Carry on bro. I just don't understand why yall bother to vote though. You get the same thing with both - so does it really matter which wins?

JokeyJack says...

It's not all about relief efforts. Their biggest failure is not putting into effect the Freedom of Information Act, and explaining where the VAT money (nearly 9 billion dollars) has gone. Well, that's my opinion - but maybe to most Bahamians 9 billion dollars ain't much money while they sitting with their light turned off.

JokeyJack says...

"Speaking on the issue yesterday, Mr Rolle insisted the government has lived up to its promises to BPSU, though he acknowledged that some issues are still being addressed."

wow - that is brilliant. i really love that. "Lived up to" but "Still Being Addressed"

Man, that is simply genius. Can I use that for some things that I need some good excuses for myself - or do you have that patented ?

On Rolle: We kept our promises

Posted 9 September 2021, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You are totally incorrect. Lincoln knows where the money is. YOU can't do it now because the money is not available to the Treasury. Under the COI, the people will know WHERE their money is and be able to benefit from it.

JokeyJack says...

One problem unresolved after another with this government. And yet there are people (are they people really?) out there who plan to vote for them. People dying left right and center because the government will not promote early treatment of this disease - but just let people get sick and sicker and sicker and then they come to hospital to die. The Princess Margaret Morgue under the guidance and control of FNM doctors Minnis and Sands, along with Doc Wannabe aka Well.

They don't have to worry. Lots of Bahamians will be out there today and next Thursday voting for more of the same. Sickness and death?????? We love it. In fact, we will vote for it. Lincoln them offering dreams man - you can't dream when ya dead. What he talking? The people done used to slackness. Red and Yellow. Who's turn is it this time?

JokeyJack says...

So - what a last minute plan - which still hasnt been disclosed. The Bahamian can here see an prime example at how every instance of governance is handled by this party - and especially what value they place on democracy itself.

Will everybody be able to vote? Oh, I don't know - we will figure it out - hopefully - and it they can't well - then they can Rock with Doc. Can you hear the music? They rockin man.