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JokeyJack says...

Oh so you say the FDA does conduct "some" studies - just not om the most important one facing the world at the moment. I guess they figure too many of their scientists would have to "commit suicide" and be replaced and with all the capitol police from Jan 6th "committing suicide" lately there is the miniscule chance that the sheep might put 2 and 2 together.…

On Full approval for Pfizer vaccine

Posted 24 August 2021, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I mean, from vaccinee come out in December he just till now to be calling on persons to get vaccinated? No man.

JokeyJack says...

It's just so funny how the FDA reviews data provided by the companies themselves - LOL. They don't conduct any studies and don't commission any universities to conduct studies. They just ask the company, "Can you send us over some number that show that your product is totally safe and effective?" and company replied "Sure thing, we will fire up our random number generator and filter it through a few formulas in a spreadsheet and shoot that right over to ya. By the way, don't forget to send us the name of those over there who are getting ready to retire, we many have well paid directorships and other positions over here that only require showing up for 4 hours per month and pay a salary with more zeros than I can write on this page. Glad to be of service."

But will the people believe us? Sure they will. They believe whatever CNN tells them to.

On Full approval for Pfizer vaccine

Posted 24 August 2021, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

No. An alternative Party will NOT wave a magic wand and solve all of our problems. In fact no party will every solve ALL of our problems, but that is no excuse to sit back and accept garbage.

The COI is made up of enthusiastic people, intelligent people, experienced people, and of course they will have the experience of the public service from the Permanent Secretaries on down along with the Judges and Police and Defense Force and every other agency and even public groups.

Once it becomes clear (on election day) that the COI has won and the people of the Bahamas have finally decided that they will graduate from complaining at the dominos table to actually voting for change - the change will happen very very quickly. Educated Bahamians who are in excellent positions abroad having earned degrees and other accolades (many of them) would love to return home. However, for the past 40 years they have had to ask themselves "for what"? We are currently losing nurses like crazy crazy crazy to countries who offer to value and appreciate them. There are so many things that could be changed very quickly simply by asking for it and then the team will assemble and loyal and patriotic Bahamians will rise to the occasion and we will move forward, upward, onward together.

Or, you can go another 5 years with power brownouts. It is really that simple. That is a democracy. In a democracy the PEOPLE get to choose what they want their future to be.

So if we find out late night on the 16th that the people have chosen red or yellow, then head down to the harbour cause a couple pallets of vaseline are about to be landed (if we're that lucky).

JokeyJack says...

No, Jeff, online classes are only here to stay as long as you are - and that time is getting shorter by the minute.

On Online classes are here to stay

Posted 24 August 2021, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

This gives the COI an advantage since people can see this is an obvious attempt to sideline any Party or candidates that have not drunk the Kool-Aid. In other words, if you are a candidate that is not in complete agreement with us then you cannot campaign. And, of course, if you are a candidate that is in complete agreement with us - then why would anyone choose you over us since you are the same - LOL.
A brilliant move, but the people will right through it and will choose to vote themselves out of tyranny.
Once thing is for sure if you vote for red or yellow tyranny this time, there won't be any election next time, because they will then know that they can do anything to Bahamians and they will just like down like dog with broken hind leg.

JokeyJack says...

Yes, most of the deaths are preventable except that worldwide a decision has been made to obstruct and even outlaw medication. Persons are given ONE option and ONE option only - vaccination. Does anyone know ANY other disease or affliction that has only one option for treatment - as in, take this thing and do not take anything else? Take NyQuil but do not take aspirin? Take Adalat but do not take aspirin? Put a cast on a broken limb, but do not reset the bone in place first? Put peroxide on a cut but do not cover it with a bandaid afterward? Do any of those examples make any sense? If not, then why does the current one make sense?

JokeyJack says...

Except that the COI is a lion, not a yellow or red dog. Of course Bahamians have free will and have the right to vote for another 40 years of suffering. They absolutely have the right to suffer.
Fillet mignon steak might possibly upset the stomach of someone used to eating corned beef.

JokeyJack says...

Online classes are here to stay,
cause educated people get in our way.

On Online classes are here to stay

Posted 24 August 2021, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal