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JokeyJack says...

The answer to most of our problems lies in quarterly meetings of the pac committee which is always chaired by the Leader of the Opposition. Brave talking about financial plans but there has not been even one sitting under his watch - hence the resignation of Reese Chipman from that committee.

Where does all the money go that pours into our Treasury? The Committee has to power to find out. I dont hear Lincoln Bain mentioning this, but hopefully he is/will.

JokeyJack says...

What an incredibly stupid thing to say on the same day as the PM urging people to get vaccinated. Get vaccinatef for what?

I mean im by no means on your side, but isnt this shooting your agenda in the foot? Isnt it slso totally stupid to "urge" people to wear masks when they are already ordered to do so by emergency powers?

JokeyJack says...

Tal i love you brother, but you lost even me on that one. What u sayin?

JokeyJack says...

This Moultrie guy thinks he has the right to speak in this country and calls himself a "Speaker" also. Always going on about rights for Bahamians and other rubbish. Bahamians have no rights and no voice. Parliament has been shut, so he should shut his mouth and obey.

The mask in front of your mouth is a good enough hint for anyone with brains. Shut up and do as you're told. Besides he is black and should know better than to get "uppity".

I myself follow the instructions of the Most Honorable, the Competent one known as the Competent Authority. He is an MP an MD and a PM. How much more alphabets do people want? Mussy eatin alphabet soup and ya know das a lie cause nobody can't afford to buy dem Campbell's. Ramen good enough for me.

This is foolish. No speaking is needed as advised by a leader in Australia just last week. Wear your mask, wash your hands, and shut ya mout'.

JokeyJack says...

Yeah, you say that - it seems when Bahamians stand up for their rights and speak out they are a$$. We need just accept that we lower than dogs?

JokeyJack says...

"Data continues to show full vaccination is a bulwark against serious illness."

Ive always felt like something is missing in my life but could never pin it down. A good relationship? Jesus? Meditation? Adopting a child? Never could figure it out.

But now i know what it is !!! a bulwark !!!!
Ive been needing a bulwark. Muddo.

JokeyJack says...

Looking for video/report now. Please post the link / source. Good for her !!! Bahamians need to stop accepting whatever is handed them. Why go somewhere or do something if you can't do it freely and completely normally? That applies to every aspect of our lives or else we don't actually have lives.

JokeyJack says...

Hopefully Gardiner will return safely and his lawyer will allow him to tell his story and hopefully he will not be "suicided" like the 4 Capitol police officers before the truth can come out.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly, and from last year June it was very clear that this whole coughing sneezing exercise was simply a "great reset" plan to reset world currencies. Global debts have reached insane levels to where the numbers are practically meaningless. Would you care if you won 12 billion in a lottery or 15 billion? Now ask same question with trillions. See? No difference. When numbers have no meaning, they have to be replaced or "reset" like the odometer in a car "rolling over".

Of course, the masses will sign up to this and 5G phones because they make life so "convenient". If Genersl Lee had these tools, the slaves would have rebelled against the northern soldiers coming to "free" them. The same way many of you have rebelled against me and He who came before me, Jesus Christ.

JokeyJack says...

Lady, wake up please. People are dying alone in hospitals because the admins wont allow visitors - that has nothing to do with anything except their desire to hurt people, make families suffer in order to try convince them to get injected.

Nurses etc you say "ironically "??? What planet u come from? The nurses know medical stuff and see what is REALLY going on hour by hour, not just hearing licensed news rubbish like you. You make it sound like nurses are idiots.

Try catch yaseff before you freak out over nothing, eh? If u wanna get some kinda injection so you can eat in restaurant das ya business. Wonder what else they can get you to do? You can't cook eh? Try make tuna sandwich at least doe.

On Facts first

Posted 1 August 2021, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal