Comment history

JokeyJack says...

I have my same $1 blue mask from last year April. I refuse spend money supporting this nonsense. I dont wash it either. If i die from germs at least i wont die from covid.

On Facts first

Posted 1 August 2021, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Sounds like you speaking against the vaccine, maybe. Try wash out ya mouth with soap, hide under ya bed and pray da Babylon don't catch ya.

On Safe shopping

Posted 1 August 2021, 8:42 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Thank goodness my government is protecting me from financial risk. Can they also warm the milk in my baby bottle? Not too warm though. They should put a few drops on their wrist to check the temperature. How about fresh diapers? Are they regulating those too?

JokeyJack says...

Nobody haa stated if these beetles have been vaccinated.

JokeyJack says...

You are too easy on them!!! They should be tested 3 times per day. You may also recall ar one time Dr Fauci recommending 3 masks, make them wear 3 masks and a face shield. Also they should have to wear two pairs of socks, just in case a new variant comes which transmits thru the feet. It could happen, maybe, and better to be safe.

They should also not be allowed to speak while at work or open their mouths for any reason, and be made to eat their lunches off site. Small notebooks and pens can be used to communicate necessary company info such as "we are out of cornbeef".

The authorities can also put them "in the system" with contact tracing and if any member of their family or anyone in their apartment building tests positive then the employee should be given 2 weeks off without pay to self isolate - just to be safe.

Hygiene is also very important, washing hands is just the beginning. These unvaccinated subhuman idiots should also be subject to an underwear inspection each morning. Wearing clean underwear every day is a sign of general cleanliness and could prove to be an important indicator of health safety. They should be stripped at the door and their underwear sniffed by 3 employees (chosen at random) to see if they pass the sniff test. It is important that those 3 be completely vaccinated because we have heard of symptoms where sense of smell has been lost. If unvaccinated they cannot be trusted to tell the truth, and may lie to protect their fellow unvaccinated misfits.

On Safe shopping

Posted 1 August 2021, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

How can they reconvene when there are no coroners available to testify? Arent they and all the funeral directors and morgue staff busy 24/7 dealing with rhe zillions upon trillions of dead bodies left in the wake of the Delta variant?

On Coroner’s court has still to reconvene

Posted 29 July 2021, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"If they don’t take the time to plan or understand what are the issues relating to this virus and have a fuller understanding of the tools necessary to arm ourselves and ..."

What tools Mr Davis????? Will you stand there and keep these tools a secret until you are appointed PM? Why should you become PM when you have failed since day one in opposition to exercise the most powerful tool you have - which is your authority as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee to uncover what is happening with our finances. Instead you allow Lincoln Bain to go around saying our sand is being practically given away at cheap prices. You wont prove him wrong, or do you know that he's right?

As he gains ground with voters, he threatens to split the opposition vote thus assuring a win for the FNM. Is that your true objective?

It's comfortable in the opposition seat, easy to criticize without having to do anything. Call the PAC Committee to order - or are you afraid of what may be unearthed?

On Davis: We’re on brink of catastrophe

Posted 29 July 2021, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Thank you. Yes, many of us would rather die than live in the sick world you are creating. You cannot take over the world, you can only occupy it, for under your occupation and control it is no longer a world.

JokeyJack says...

Remember we learned aftee Nov election that those who question ballots or election procedures are traitors who hate democracy, so commenters be careful.

JokeyJack says...…

Let's blame Russian interference. I feel better about myself when i have someone else to blame.

On EDITORIAL: BPL is failing its customers

Posted 28 July 2021, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal