Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Just in case you need more evidence of how stupid the policy is, note that anything Newsom does lies on the opposite bank of the Sanity River.…

JokeyJack says...

Your letter is nice, its just the case that nobody here cares. We are soon going to change back to the PLP government over here (you know, the ones we recently threw out 35 to 4) and then you will see dynamic reverse change back to the way things were before 2017.

So right now your timing is bad. Nobody cares. Wait until after May 2022 when nobody still wont care and publish your letter again.

On Scrap the Health Visa

Posted 28 July 2021, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Who has time to follow that lockdown prohibited fans mask wearing foolishness in Samurai Land?

JokeyJack says...

Buddy, if there was a pandemic, nobody would need to be told. You would hesr the trucks going around every morning collecting the dead bodies. You would know someone in your inner circle who has died or is in ICU. Instead, there has to be a 24/7 newsflash "informing" people that there is a pandemic and "numbers" are put on screens. Numbers are not people, but most people dont get this.
Its like a report of 137 soldiers being killed in Afghanistan. Really? How do you really know that? For over 15 years now news media has been banned from the air force bases at which these "bodies" are brought back home. Yet this breeds zero suspicion.

JokeyJack says...

Yeah, our country can't afford an indoor pool for training.

On Bastian 36th overall in 200 breaststroke

Posted 28 July 2021, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"He  stressed that this was the only way for protection from this serious disease and hospitalisation."

So now we now that if he becomes leader he will also not allow clinical trials of HCQ and Ivermectin.

Why wont the CDC conduct the trials and prove that Ivermectin and HCQ dont work?

On Davis: Follow rules while we test law

Posted 28 July 2021, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I have to wonder, with all the incredible amounts of death from the virus (over 600,000 so far right?) Are there any Bahamians left to apply new rules to? I mean, the population is only 340,000 - so more have died than were even alive? Thats a true deadly virus.

On Mandatory vaccines ruled out

Posted 28 July 2021, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Mr Roberts if you implement forced vaccination for new hires, as you are considering, i and many others will never shop at your stores again, and that includes even years after this panthingy is over or even if u later reverse the policy. Not just years, but never.

On New hires may need vaccine to secure job

Posted 27 July 2021, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

They wont get voter out. Politicians worldwide learned in Nov that it all comes down to the counting process. They can count however they like and anyone who objects is simply trying to "destroy the country's fsith in the election process".

On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 25 July 2021, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Your statement assumes that "they" want to heal people, thats why this makes no sense to you. Actions or inactions have motives. People do or dont do things for a reason 99.9% of the time.