Comment history

JokeyJack says...

lockdowns lockdowns - death death death - lockdowns lockdowns - death death death

On Reaching immunity

Posted 22 July 2021, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

lockdowns lockdowns - death death death - lockdowns lockdowns - death death death

JokeyJack says...

lockdowns lockdowns - death death death - lockdowns lockdowns - death death death

JokeyJack says...

No, I'm questioning why the cases go up at the "mention" of reduced restrictions - rather than from the effect of the restrictions AFTER they are introduced.

JokeyJack says...

Nice points, but you seem to be suggesting that we improve our wealth and make Bahamians wealthy. A positive change. Marvelous. However, what you are not taking into account is that Bahamians really do not want change by and large. The majority are perfectly fine sweating in the hot August summer, drinking beer, playing dominoes, and making baby. All of those things are provided in lump sum by both the FNM and the PLP governments when in power. The FEAR of putting in place anyone else is probably stronger than the fear of Covid. Our way of life would change. We can only handle shopping malls, water parks, working traffic lights, roads without potholes, clinics with doctors, and schools with real sports facilities for just a couple of weeks while we vacation in Florida. Then we have to hurry home to safety. However, this election the country may make a "brave" new choice. Brand spanking new. Good stuff.

On Sovereign Wealth Fund

Posted 22 July 2021, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You have pointed out some very strange things here which don't seem to go along with any plan of any sensible person wanting to contain the spread. So why then should we assume that is their goal? There is an old saying about actions speaking louder than words. Is that wisdom out of date in 2021?

On Reaching immunity

Posted 22 July 2021, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Remember the TeleHealth Revolution? Yeah, I remember it too. What a blast from the past, kinda like an 8-track player.

JokeyJack says...

I'm just wondering if the votes will be counted here as safely and securely and accurately as they were in the USA last November?

JokeyJack says...

It has long been said that "Man cannot cure the common cold." It was cured in March of 2020.

Nobody can argue with these new medical measures, at least I cannot. I don't see anything wrong with people dying from heart attacks etc., as long as they don't die from Covid they will be just fine.

JokeyJack says...

Anyone with eyes can see that every time (in every country) that there has been a suggestion of reducing restrictions, cases suddenly start going up. I wonder how many lab technicians are going to be in jail less than a year from now?