Comment history

JokeyJack says...

The shackles of the slaves will remain after the 13th. England is involved in a fake experiment right now to drum up a bunch of fake numbers to "prove" that opening up leads to more cases and deaths. Even before Monday when restrictions were lifted, they were being accused by countries around the world as becoming a "breeding ground" for virus variants.

The programming has now been completed in people's brains. The 15 Days to Slow the Spread has now gone way past 400 days. The Illuminati now knows that the people are sheep, and as such are fitting perpetual slaves. They have no need of removing any restrictions - just keep moving the goalposts (and they have lackeys to do that for them.)

JokeyJack says...

How can you have a Covid emergency medical crises unless you send the doctors home? It fits. This was done in many many states in the USA from April to end of year - tons of doctors laid off because they were in a different specialty - as if they don't know anything about medicine.

The real thing to remember though, is not to panic, remember the PM is the "most honorable". I'm sure that title stands for something. He will come through. If you need oxygen - don't panic - it will only make your breathing harder. Oxygen is on its way, or was that "a fresh breeze is blowing"? I can't remember.

JokeyJack says...

Yep, it sure does - and thus it was probably outlawed here. An ignorant population can be bought with music, lights, chicken and beer - and you only gotta pay them every 5 year. (left of the "s" so it would rhyme LOL)

On Raise age of consent

Posted 21 July 2021, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Its not about them getting what they want, its the Bahamas getting what we need which is the 400 million dollars.
Of course anyone who has been in politics for over 20 years or more, like most of the steady commenters here are able to see "the picture" here of what's really going on - and that picture has way too many white people in it.

JokeyJack says...

Education? I recall BJ Nottage once suggesting that the channel 40 parliamentary channel provide some civics information, educational stuff streaming whenever Parliament is not in session (with the exception of one replay of parliament at night for those who were at work while parliament was in session). Imagine the amount of education about the things you discuss, along with road traffic laws, passport application/renewal processes, laws concerning marriage and divorce and inheritance, land conveyancing, etc that Bahamians could have absorbed by now.

But, instead, the birthday announcement continue and continue and continue. Hey !!! Birthday - it has the word "birth" in it - so that does relate somewhat to the article. Awesome.

On Raise age of consent

Posted 20 July 2021, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Please stop using your brain. One report says that over 5000 have committed suicide in the UK during that same time. Brain use is not allowed. Try find something to entertain you on Netflix, or buy something from Amazon to pass the time friend. Bezos needs money to buy more fuel for his space rocket.

On Two girls stabbed

Posted 20 July 2021, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Perhaps crucifixion should be considered? They could be crucified in Rawson Square - kinda like public hangings. Not sure how the Privy Council would determine which of them is the worst of the worst though. Is there a way to count the number of Corona viruses inside a person? Then those with the highest number could be crucified first. Maybe that could work legally?

JokeyJack says...

I'm not so concerned about a serial killer, just don't wanna see a cereal killer - I can't do without my Frosted Flakes.

JokeyJack says...

I'm sure with this outrageous number of deaths, funeral home workers are going to strike any day now. How can they possibly keep up with the work load?

JokeyJack says...

Isn't it amazing that all across the USA, Canada, and here that hospitals seem to reach "capacity" or "near capacity" but just never seem to overflow. I wonder if the virus is aware of the number of beds in hospitals that it is near to? You don't see hundreds of tents set up outside any hospitals in Miami or New York or Paris or anywhere. Kinda reminds me of Fox Hill Prison. Never any tents, never any empty cells. An impressive balancing act it would appear - but I'm sure it's just coincidence.