Comment history

KM says...

This and previous government so like to place blame. My thing is they are now in power what are they going to do about it?

KM says...

This right here is great news. Thank God it was stopped before any more damaged to our wonderful bahamaland.

KM says...

This is insane. This government and the politicians are gravely insane. Yes it is a sad situation that occured no denying that and I am sympathetic but not so much where i disregard the law. Law is Law. This governement spending OUR money to house illegal immigrants. Im sure majority of them are here illegally. This is the time where they ask each and every one for their papers and if they dont have any rights here legally they should be relocated to the detention center. The others who are here legally, I have no problems with them finding a decent, liveable place to stay.

This right here is like a sign for illegals to come. Our slogan may as well be " Come one, come all, we welcome illegal immigrants of all kind. No question asked".

Bunch of foolishness.

KM says...

Very Very Bad. What if they had shot and killed that innocent man. This is ridiculous. This is not how you curb crime. Dont start by making the citizens fearful of the police. Some already dislike them, dont bring fear into it. This need to be investigated fully and if the story is true, these police officers should be punished fully! what a disgrace !

KM says...

You would think how bones makes it so easy to identify the sex, age, and cause of death in one we'd have at least one person in the Bahamas who could do the same since we are in the year 2014. Maybe I should go study to be a forensic anthropologist. How slow they are working I may even be the one to identify the sex, age and cause of death LOL!

On Burned body found

Posted 30 April 2014, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

WOW, it amazes me to see so much judgement. Bahamian people have to be the most judgmental and hypocrital people in the w0rld. Im sure none of you are perfect and did the same thing kids today are doing. If you didnt do it your parents did it. We are missing the bigger picture here, a girl got RAPED. Point. Blank. Period. She said no and that sick individual continued to do what he wanted . Just to be clear I have no affiliation to the victim , its just sad that judgment is coming to this girl rather than sympathy, concern or love. I once was 17, and although I wasnt the type to or allowed to go clubbing while my friends did, I still wasnt perfect. We need to focus on the issue at hand, and thats the crime that was done. Everyone running on about the wrong things and thats whats wrong with this country, we rather pass judgement and critisize. That guy need to be lost in fox hill prison.

On Man held after alleged rape at hotel

Posted 29 April 2014, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

A job well done by OUR youths.

KM says...

I am so in agreement with your statement. Its sad that in 2014, our islands are not equipt with proper medical care. Hospitals should be on each island whether highly populated or not. Their lives could have possibly been saved. My condolences to the family and friends.

KM says...

This is beyond crazy and those who attend that church is beyond stupid. Yes, no one is perfect and everyone falls short, but this man is a sex offender. Take away the pastor, the preacher whomever you want to call him but you cant take away the fact that he took advantage of underage children. Its sickening to know that this country is so slack and that so many hypocrites are in the church. This should not happen and this should be protested against. The COP got so upset with the in jail wedding , he needs to apply that same anger to this situation. there is nothing wrong with forgiving a person for their wrong doing, but why put that person in the same predicament to do that horrible thing again. Again i say this is CRAZY !

On Sex offender Fraser launches new church

Posted 14 April 2014, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

I totally agree with you, especially the "love company too much". This senseless killing will ruin what is left of this country. A mother has to now bury her daughter and for what !??!!. May God be with this family in this time.