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KM says...

My condolences to the family and friends . need to be more strict when it comes to these clubs. Today any girl can get in the club once she put on some make up and heals ,its ridiculous. Another thing, why is a 15 year old girl out at that time? With all the "vickedness" going on in the world let alone the Bahamas ,i'd think parents would want to shelter their kids. We need to put measures in place to prevent such a tradgedy. No one wants the curfew thing because we are democratic, but sometimes situations like this calls for drastic measures. The person responsible for her death should be sentenced to death. Now a days people want to play God but there is only one God. No one has the right to take a life! NO ONE. Restrictions need to be enforced at these night clubs, and parents need to become more active in their child's life. Know who they are going out with, know their whereabouts. At that age the only outing I got is with my church family. Be more active parents no matter how old you are you are still a parent. These children need some guidance. God be with us all.

On 15-year-old girl shot dead

Posted 31 March 2014, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

I dont see nothing wrong with the minister wanting to clamp down on these work permits that are given. Firstly, the government gives out too much work permits for a country who's unemployment rate is ridiculous. Maybe not all work permits should be taken away , but a substantial amount needs to be taken away. This is a door opener for those Bahamian indivuals whom are without jobs. The PLP campaign argument was Bahamians FIRST. I am glad to see our leaders trying to find a way to do this. If this is a way sure go right ahead. I trust that this move will be a good move and does not go the way Bran intend it to go.

On 'Permit move risks destroying economy'

Posted 13 March 2013, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

I am so tired of politics. When one administration do something , another administration find a way to oppose it.Why cant we as government and a country put our heads together, instead of opposing just to oppose. If we all work together we can better govern this country.

On 'Flip flop' claim over oil drilling

Posted 13 March 2013, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal