Comment history

KapunkleUp says...

These growing number of incidents are sad on so many levels. All said and done, it's the parents who are ultimately to blame for this state of affairs. Parents need to be held responsible for their kids behavior.

KapunkleUp says...

What a bunch of nonsense. What Bahamian has credit histories with Experian, Equifax, Trans Union, etc... This is as useless as political promises.

On CIBC signs up to global credit bureau

Posted 9 May 2022, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

All good questions. One thing we probably all agree on is that lawsuits are certain to come into play soon.

On What killed three tourists in Exuma?

Posted 9 May 2022, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Freon poisoning does seem to fit the reported symptoms.

On What killed three tourists in Exuma?

Posted 9 May 2022, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

$2,500 for every man, woman and child.

KapunkleUp says...

Being a government corporation, any unlawful acts discovered during the audit will no doubt be swept under the rug. Worst case outcome is probably retirement with full benefits of those caught stealing tax payer money. After all, "following the money" will in all likelihood lead to embarrassing high level conclusions.

KapunkleUp says...

So it's come down to this. After completely wrecking our economy for decades, our political leaders now are begging for a handout.

KapunkleUp says...

Somebody needs to explain to Davis that crypto requires a very stable power grid at reasonable prices.

KapunkleUp says...

If Davis believes in us then why wait until summer?!

KapunkleUp says...

I would settle for just having nice sidewalks and roads like in the rendering.