Comment history

KapunkleUp says...

BPL raising fees again... what a surprise. If a whale took a crap in front of an oil tanker half way around the world, BPL would use that as an excuse to raise rates.

On Inflation could hit BPL bills

Posted 21 April 2022, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

This is what happens when you have to face the real law. Ain't no friend got friend for Gomez in the US. Gomez is reaping what he sowed.

KapunkleUp says...

At this point all restrictions should be lifted. People can make their own choices about vaccines and masks.

KapunkleUp says...

You are correct. Adding the ongoing budget deficits, outstanding public debt, crumbling infrastructure, government corporations always in the red and rampant corruption; there is no way NIB will last a decade without massive tax increases.

On Davis says no to NIB increase

Posted 14 April 2022, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Spin is right. The keyword here is "until" in the first quote. Not surprisingly there is no comment on all the outstanding loans and missing past 5 years of financial statements.

On Davis says no to NIB increase

Posted 14 April 2022, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

To repeat the obvious, as of 2017 NIB had $1,083,112,000 (over one billion) in "Loans and Receivables" on their balance sheet. How can anyone say NIB is broke? Because most people either don't care or are just plain ignorant of the facts.

KapunkleUp says...

You raise an excellent point. I would not be surprised if the accounting is less than the acceptable standard in NIB's case.

KapunkleUp says...

The conversation is always about increasing taxes and never about cutting expenses. NIB contributions increase so that the government can borrow more money from NIB. Also, why is the latest publicly available NIB financial report from 2017? Disgusting and crooked all around.

KapunkleUp says...

NIB ain't broke. NIB holds hundreds of millions of dollars of IOUs from the government, according to the last financial report of 2017. Of course one wonders why a PUBLIC corporation's last financials are 5 years old.

KapunkleUp says...

Changing the law of consent changes nothing. It's like changing the legal drinking age to 21. What is needed is the enforcement of existing laws.