Comment history

KapunkleUp says...

Agreed but I am pretty sure there is an unwritten/spoken rule between the PLP and FNM not to prosecute any high level official regardless of party affiliation. History kinda confirms this.

KapunkleUp says...

We are ALL thinking the same thing.

KapunkleUp says...

To put NIB into proper perspective... According to 2019 NIB financial statements, NIB has over 1.4 billion dollars in "Investments". How can government talk about fund depletion and income short comings with those numbers? Absolutely disgusting. Here is the link to NIB 2019 financials…

KapunkleUp says...

The article left out the blatant fact of how much the NIB fund has in IOUs - hundreds of millions of dollars owed by other government agencies/companies. So yet again, instead of cleaning house and repaying its debts, government is going to make the people pay more. It's better in the Bahamas.

KapunkleUp says...

Because when a 800 pound gorilla asks you for your banana, you say Yes Sir!

On FTX founder extradited

Posted 22 December 2022, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Now comes the fight over the real estate carcass left by FTX.

On FTX founder extradited

Posted 22 December 2022, 8:42 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Probably hoping for a "Christmas handshake" as SBF was boarding the plane.

On FTX founder extradited

Posted 22 December 2022, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Can't help but note that every time a story includes our "illustrious" judicial system, comments are disabled.

KapunkleUp says...

Pretty sure certain people in government are shedding salty tears right now. Their big meal ticket is about to be yanked away by the US.

KapunkleUp says...

A much more likely scenario is that some people in government decided to sell the in-the-money call options and make a nice profit which they kept for themselves instead of using the options to buy cheaper fuel for the public. A simple financial audit would shed light on this but we all know that will never happen.