Comment history

KapunkleUp says...

This is so true! I can't count how many times you see an advertised price only to come to the cash register and get charged something completely different.

KapunkleUp says...

Yet another example of government ignorance and incompetence. Passing crypto laws only took a few weeks despite no one in government understanding the implications. Cannabis legalization has been on the table for years without success, despite the EU and the US already having passed such laws. If stupidity hurt, government would be rolling on the floor and crying 24/7.

KapunkleUp says...

The PM can act as cool as he wants but no one is going to believe him. He is neck deep in this debacle and, in all likelihood, is front and center at ordering every tiny step government is now taking.

On PM: Authorities quiz FTX founder

Posted 2 December 2022, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Government will probably keep him here until he is sucked dry. Only then will he be tossed out.

On ‘I did not try to commit FTX fraud’

Posted 1 December 2022, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

His numerous idiotic statements aside, I wonder what his current immigration status is.

On ‘I did not try to commit FTX fraud’

Posted 1 December 2022, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

I always said Albany is a different world. All they need is an airport and they can declare independence.

KapunkleUp says...

I absolutely agree with you that government should be mindful of foreigners owing a lot of land BUT that should be reflected in a law(s). For example, any foreigner owning more than X acres has to develop within Y years or risk forfeiting the land or pay double/triple/etc... property tax. Selectively meddling in private transactions is not the correct way of doing it.

KapunkleUp says...

Government stepping into a private real estate transaction is a dangerous precedent and will have negative impacts on future foreign investors.

KapunkleUp says...

The only reason this even came to light is because John Ray reported the removal of assets. Based on the current public facts, the action by the Securities Commission looks like a burglar explaining he's the exterminator after the police catch him.

KapunkleUp says...

John Ray has been transparent with his findings and reports. Had the Securities Commission done the same and announced their actions on Nov. 12, this would not be breaking news. Instead this looks just like every other liquidation by government - an all you can eat buffet - while customers and creditors are standing outside the window looking in.