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KapunkleUp says...

From the Wall Street Journal today - “Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here,” Mr. Ray said in the court filing. “From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented.” - The key phrase being "faulty regulatory oversight abroad".

KapunkleUp says...

First mistake was allowing these kind of companies in. Now government WANTS to be the lead in the bankruptcy proceedings instead of stepping back and letting the US courts handle this clusterf**k. Arrogance and stupidity never dies.

KapunkleUp says...

"There has been a considerable amount of training undertaken by staff at the Securities Commission in the area of digital assets." - like what? FTX did not even have a real board of directors. This is a self inflicted wound by government and our international reputation is suffering because of it.

KapunkleUp says...

Happy to hear that there is at least a kernel of common sense left in government.

KapunkleUp says...

Government (FNM & PLP) do not understand the crypto world and only saw a way to make a quick dollar by allowing these kind of companies to set up shop here. Now, because of government's stupidity, our country again looks bad in the international press for hosting fraud.

KapunkleUp says...

This speaks mountains. If the ruling party cannot even keep their own accounting in order, how are they going to manage the whole country?!

KapunkleUp says...

I noticed that too. I guess they recon some stories are too controversial to comment on.

KapunkleUp says...

"...government’s efforts to bring relief to the Bahamian people." - what a joke. Real relief is bringing fiscal order and moral leadership to government.

KapunkleUp says...

"So, if you deploy men in Haiti that could stop Haitian hitting the water - wouldn’t that relieve the pressure on the people who are guarding the southern regions of The Bahamas." - answer: no!

KapunkleUp says...

You make an interesting point. I wonder what percentage of the workforce is actually being paid minimum wage right now?