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LastManStanding says...

A lot of clergy do as you describe, but the truth is that it's not their responsibility (nor anyone else's) to take care of someone else's child. Anyone old enough to be grinding knows full well that there is a non zero chance of pregnancy, even with contraceptives, when having sex. People need to grow the hell up and stop blaming religious groups, the government, mommy & daddy, God, and whoever else for their own stupid decisions. Western society has been structured around a man and woman in a committed relationship with each other providing a stable home for their offspring simply because that it is the best way to do it. Don't be surprised when you get shitty results trying anything different.

That being said, I think it is in bad taste that they chose to prosecute the mother in this instance and I wouldn't have done it personally considering the extenuating circumstances.

LastManStanding says...

The Bahamian luxury real estate market will continue to be hot as long as the Biden disaster continues in the United States. Rather than running these people off with extraneous fees and taxes, we should be encouraging more to re home here to be a big help to certain sectors of our economy. Abaco is a rare success story in this country because it understands this principle.

LastManStanding says...

Abaco people deserve this since most of them are too afraid of being called "racist" to advocate for their independence. We could implement the very same tax regime we are dealing with from Nassau now and keep all of the money that we send to end up stolen/wasted on some stupid shit and not have to deal with asinine decisions like this one, but too many people let silly words have power over them and cower in fear as a response. Like get real, these governments are never going to improve and only see Abaco as a cow that they can milk for revenue to steal or piss away, therefore the only solution for better governance is to go on our own. We have the economy and power to do it, there is no excuse not to give it a shot.

LastManStanding says...

You're wrong, Davis et. al. are not incompetent, they know exactly how dumb and stupid the electorate is and this is the BS line they sell them to cover up their malfeasance.

LastManStanding says...

Basically signing his death warrant.

LastManStanding says...

Not the governments problem that certain groups of people can't evolve past k selective breeding.

LastManStanding says...

Bahamians vote for this every election, they don't have any right to complain. Bahamians love paying exorbitant taxes to governments that do nothing but steal and travel around the world first class.

LastManStanding says...

If you don't like White people there is plenty of land back in Africa where you can go and live safely away from them. Getting tired of hearing the affirmative action hires piping up when they don't have shit to show for anything they have accomplished on a civilizational level.

LastManStanding says...

The homeless beggar on the street would be an improvement compared to the buffoons we have running our utilities right now. It amazes me how these clowns can say this bullshit with a straight face.

On BPL CEO rates company 8 out of 10

Posted 1 August 2023, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

What happened is that the powers that be got to identify who were their willing slaves, those that could be pressured into complying with whatever they want by threatening their job, social life, etc, and those that would refuse to bend the knee under any circumstances. The COVID hoax was nothing more than a massive shit test for governments to see how far they could force the population into going along with the most asinine and retarded restrictions so they could calculate how much leeway they have in enforcing further totalitarian restrictions in the future. We are already hearing talk of "climate lockdowns" and other such nonsense, so this issue will reappear very soon in the future.

I have difficulty feeling sorry for anyone that injected that poison into their body simply because common sense should have told them that injecting an experimental treatment into your body that you can't even hold the manufacturers liable for is a horrible idea. Biggest problem in the world is that we are too busy coddling stupid people so therefore I say let the herd be culled. Natural selection will breed docility out of the gene pool.

On Whatever happened to COVID?

Posted 1 August 2023, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal