Comment history

LastManStanding says...

Asking on behalf of everyone (we are all thinking the same thing) : was he "vaccinated"?

On Tributes after shock death of QC head boy

Posted 2 October 2023, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

As far as I remember, having a "pride" club was one of the requirements for CoB to transition to UB in the first place. The truth is that this agenda is not domestically driven but being forced on us (and most other countries) by an international clique that aims to keep people docile and complacent with these "issues" while they steal and hoard all of the worlds wealth for themselves. Look at how many people in the modern West are content with living in squalor as long as they get to play with buttplugs and dildos; that is the order that they are trying to establish here and in other parts of the world as well. This clique is actively subverting Christian denominations (C of E, ELCA, etc.) into this program and attacking those that resist (traditional Catholics, Orthodox, etc.) via legal apparatuses because they do not want any organization with the capability of opposing them to exist and certainly do not want anyone to be able to live outside of the system that they are creating.

LastManStanding says...

> bedrooms

> shoves dildos in everyone's faces in public

Are you naive or just arguing in bad faith?

LastManStanding says...

You know, I have a hard time figuring out if people like the writer are genuinely naive or if there is some sort of hidden malicious intent somewhere because, simply put, you have to be quite slow to realize that the government will just steal any additional revenue coming into their pockets anyways. It's like Charlie and Lucy with the football, stupid old Bahamians getting swung into making politicians fatter every year while they hope for a better future. Quite sad until you realize that most of the people here deserve the governments they get.

LastManStanding says...

Government is trying to squeeze every penny it can out of Bahamians to bail them out of the sinking fiscal ship they are in. This + the boat registration fee increase are only the beginning, things are going to get so much worse over the next couple of years.

On Abaco firefighters in licence confusion

Posted 31 August 2023, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

None of this is new, anyone paying attention realized this a long time ago. Decades of budget deficits, reckless spending, and outright theft are now catching up and the PHellP/FNM are shitting their pants realizing that the government buffet is about to close down. They are going to expect us, the Bahamian people, to bail them out of their decades of stupidity without any ounce of concern for how hard they will make our lives in doing so. The Bahamian people are going to collapse from exhaustion, and the government shitheads will all flee to America or Canada to live out their lives in peace and comfort when the economy cannot take any more strain and they can't find a loan shark willing to front them the money to bail them out. God help the regular Bahamian people who are going to have to bear the punishment for the past 56 years of government stupidity, but the truth is we (as a collective) deserve it in a sense for voting these idiots into power in the first place.

LastManStanding says...

Intelligence is passed down through genetics, and while it's true that the Bahamian educational system is a garbage dumpster on fire, the truth is that a lot of these students were not born bright in the first place. Difference between now and 100 years ago is that we are trying to force everyone to become a "college product" when, quite frankly, that is not the optimal path for a lot of people here. There is nothing wrong with trying to encourage those who struggle academically to find a trade, you will make a lot more than most white collar workers if 1.) you are very good at your work and 2.) you can have basic professionalism ie. showing up to projects on time.

LastManStanding says...

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" would be a good start. The problem that I have with rabid anti-clericalists such as yourself, and the vapid, shallow 60 IQ "shake your booty on the dance floor" "Christians" that make up most of this country, is that none of you have the slightest clue of anything that you talk about when it comes to Christianity. The Didache, which predates the Bible and was used by the Apostles themselves for instruction, opposes in no uncertain terms the uses of abortifacients that existed during the era. None of you are qualified to even speak the word "Christianity" simply because you have no idea what you are talking about.

LastManStanding says...

I disagree with like 90% of this woman's views, but on this I can agree with her. I've said for a long time that we simply need to hang anyone guilty of first degree murder or rape (the real kind, not the "I didn't like the sex so he raped me" kind) rather than wasting taxpayer money feeding people (using that term losely) that are never going to rehabilitated. People need to get it through their skulls that some individuals are just plain evil and will never amend their lives, so why bother wasting government money feeding and housing them for decades. Give them their last rites and send them off.

LastManStanding says...

I agree with your assessment that they are doing this to try and bail them out of their shitty fiscal situation, but there comes a point where once you overtax that people will just refuse to pay and operate illegally or just shut their business down entirely. There is a delicate equilibrium between additional revenue and the consequences of an additional burden that must be maintained, and this administration is veering off hard into the overtax side not considering that there will be consequences if they overdo it.