Comment history

LastManStanding says...

A convention will not solve the FNM's long term problems. The biggest problem that the FNM faces is that there are no politically astute leaders in the party outside of Ingraham. People said that Papa was crazy for telling the FNM not to contest the by-election, but here we are with a bunch of money wasted in a vain attempt to capture a PHellP safe seat on top of increased internal strife. Any time that seat voted FNM historically was an anomaly, all one needed to do was look at the voting history and realize that any money spent on that race was wasted.

I feel that Pintard is being unfairly ragged because there was no chance of the FNM winning that seat outside of a blowout general election victory, but I also feel that it showed poor vision and a lack of wisdom to contest it in the first place. I stand by prediction that the CoI will displace the FNM as the primary opposition to the PHellP in the long term. The change won't happen right away, but I don't see the FNM being able to continue as it currently is in the long term.

LastManStanding says...

Call me crazy but I believe that we will see the CoI overtake the FNM as the primary opposition to the PHellP within a few election cycles. The FNM never achieved any noteworthy electoral success prior to Ingraham, and has been nothing but a disorganized, chaotic mess without him. The FNM was the Ingraham party for all intents and purposes, and there is no strongman leader in there capable of guiding them out of the electoral wilderness the way that he did. Lincoln is determined and relentless in his campaigning, and managed to pull the CoI over the 20% vote threshold in two seats in the 2021 general despite not having access to the mountains of funding that the establishment parties do. I don't see the FNM being a viable political party in the long term, and I think that all it will take is a major defection or two over to the CoI combined with more electoral losses to disestablish the FNM entirely.

LastManStanding says...

Well, at least the taxpayers wont be feeding them.

LastManStanding says...

I agree with your general point, but you are way off on Starlink. Starlink is both superior, and cheaper, than any service that I have ever received from BTC or Cable. BTC and Cable are effectively dead in the Family Islands when it comes to internet. I wish that Elon Musk would buy BPL, or better yet just buy the whole country; things might actually function as they should.

LastManStanding says...

DeSantis is an idiot that spews foolishness like "judeo-christianity" or that "Western civilization was birthed in the Middle East" to appease his Zionist backers that fund him and every other US politician, but the people getting enraged about this comment are equally dumb and stupid considering the point he is trying to make is very straightforward.

On Davis: Desantis rocket remarks ‘misguided’

Posted 29 November 2023, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Tolerance is an abstract concept, according to what principles are you going to be "tolerant"? Our leaders merely paying lip service to Christianity does not deny the fact the culture of this country is Christian based and the people here are not in support of the homosexual agenda being pushed in our land. The political issues of this country stem from the same foolish ideals, birthed from the Enlightenment, that kicked out the last competent rulers of this country in the name of "equality". Your foolish ideals are the exact reason that this country is turning into a shithole today but you lack the self awareness to see it.

LastManStanding says...

Nah man, pibbles was a good boy who dindu nuffin. The school child looked at him a little too hard and that caused him to spaz out and maul him/her.

- Pitbull apologists again sometime soon

LastManStanding says...

> Onkelos said to him: What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement.

- Gittin 57a

> And the court did the same to an inciter named ben Setada, from the city of Lod, and they hanged him on Passover eve. The Gemara asks: Why did they call him ben Setada, when he was the son of Pandeira? Rav Ḥisda says: Perhaps his mother’s husband, who acted as his father, was named Setada, but his mother’s paramour, who fathered this mamzer, was named Pandeira. The Gemara challenges: But his mother’s husband was Pappos ben Yehuda, not Setada. Rather, perhaps his mother was named Setada, and he was named ben Setada after her. The Gemara challenges: But his mother was Miriam, who braided women’s hair. The Gemara explains: That is not a contradiction; Setada was merely a nickname, as they say in Pumbedita: This one strayed [setat da] from her husband.

- Sanhedrin 67a

Funny how you left out these Talmudic passages out in your section about the relationship between the jews and Christians. Can't see why Christians (in a majority Christian country) would be hostile to a menorah on Christmas at all. /s You really need to go take a walk in Israel, if you are truly a priest, and find out how many times you get spat upon while you are there. You will get a rude awakening very quickly.

That matter aside, you people revere "democracy" as your god but for some reason can't seem to understand that the Bahamas is a majority Christian country that is not in favour of homosexual "marriage" or "pride" (the cause of the devils fall from Heaven, ironically) parades. Put it to a referendum if you think that I am wrong, and we can see exactly what the country thinks on the matter. This agenda is being pushed in defiance of the people's will worldwide (legalized via court ruling in the US despite California voting against it as late as '08, legalized despite the people voting against it nationally in Slovenia, Taiwan, etc.) and yet you have the gall to pretend that you are fighting for "democracy" lol. You either have zero self awareness or are a paid shill trying to gaslight the Bahamian people.

LastManStanding says...

So I take that as a yes then?

What advice? I just asked a simple question. He is not the first young person to die under these circumstances (even in our tiny country) in recent times, there is a clear pattern established that is worth investigating. Might be the waccine, might not, certainly can't hurt looking into it.

As a somewhat related addendum, I'm still waiting on the winter of death to hit any day now. According to "the science" (not actual science and data), I was supposed to die off a couple years ago for not taking the waccine. Still alive and kicking, waiting to die of COVID any day now. Another winter coming up, maybe they just didn't specify which one they meant?

On Tributes after shock death of QC head boy

Posted 2 October 2023, 10:54 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

I admit that I may be misremembering something, but I do recall reading that an LGBT club was necessary for UB to receive some form of accreditation years ago. It has been a long time, so I will have to do some digging to try and find the source.

You have no idea what prejudice is, historically speaking Christianity has been very lenient when it comes to treatment of homosexuals. Germanic pagans used to strangle and then dump homosexuals into swamps, there are Muslim countries that still execute homosexuals to this day; my biggest problem with the homosexual community is that they will have all kind of tough mouth and try to pick on Christians but don't have the balls to fly their flag or march in a city like Cairo or Riyadh. Honestly that is Christians fault too for becoming too passive and abandoning any semblance of a backbone at this point.