Comment history

LastManStanding says...

"We need to have illegal immigration so we can dodge NIB and pay below minimum wage for borderline slave labour" isn't the great argument that you think it is. Judging by the quality of the shanty homes that I have observed, they're not great builders either.

LastManStanding says...

Government needs to take notes from El Salvador, a rare success story in a region plagued with similar issues.

LastManStanding says...

Funnily enough you are statistically more likely to end up sexually abused by a public school teacher in lieu of a Catholic priest, at least in the United States. What happened to those victims is wrong, but the Catholic Church is not the only institution with those issues and certainly not the worst offender.

On Pope is not follower of Jesus Christ

Posted 8 January 2024, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

DeSantis doesn't care about the Bahamas and certainly doesn't care about how Bahamians might feel about what he has to say. He needs funds for his campaign and he knows exactly who has all the money for campaign donations; he is appealing to a very specific, wealthy, demographic with his comments.

LastManStanding says...

Prayer is wonderful, but as Scripture says "faith without works is dead". God gave us (some of us at least) a functional brain to diagnose problems and develop solutions.

LastManStanding says...

The problem isn't so much the timing as it is the fact that it's pretty apparent that this system did not undergo thorough QA. It's almost as if the developer ran this on their local machine and pushed straight to production expecting everything to work smoothly without even doing the bare minimum to bug fix, and for sure did not do any stress testing.

The push for digitization is a good thing, but people with a technical background need to be in charge of it. This debacle, and the million dollar website from a few months ago, shows that this government is completely incompetent/naive with anything software related.

LastManStanding says...

Don't get too cocky Tal, the PHellP old guard are on their collective way to their eternal fates and it won't be pretty in there either when the Christie/Davis era politicos say goodbye to the world.

LastManStanding says...

This is a "hate crime" because transsexuals are one of the most revered deities of the American pantheon, and being bought and owned Davis has to appease his masters.

LastManStanding says...

This author is clueless if he thinks that seat was winnable for the FNM. All one needs to do is look at the voting history and realize that contest was over before it ever started. Pintard is not the next coming of Ingraham but the people who are calling for his head without even giving him a chance to contest a general election are clueless. All one needs to do is look at the British or Canadian Tories to realize what happens to parties that change leaders like underwear. At least give the man a chance to lead the party into an election and then can him if he under-performs.

On Pintard shows how not to lead

Posted 7 December 2023, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

You can just go online and find a livestream link for pretty much any NFL game these days. It amazes me that people still pay for these services. More money than sense.