Comment history

LastManStanding says...

Couple points:

1.) A VPN connection renders your entire point moot

2.) Most CP videos or other questionable content that is sometimes banned from upload on certain media are identified by hash, which unless the video has been in public circulation prior would be impossible to blacklist in advance. Believe it or not CP/gore spamming is a tactic that cyber criminals will use to try to get a hosting provider to drop sites that they want to target.

3.) Obvious privacy concerns come into play.

LastManStanding says...

Abortion has not led to any better outcomes among the problem demographics in America where access is pretty much unrestricted despite whatever hubbub the media might make. Abortion is ultimately irrelevant in the grand scheme of things when you are dealing with a population that has an average IQ lower than room temperature and is too stupid to realize that having a gorillian children and not being able to feed even one is a bad idea. There is a much bigger elephant in the room that needs to be addressed, but a lot are uncomfortable with acknowledging reality.

LastManStanding says...

Throw them in the zoo where they belong.

LastManStanding says...

American politics is just as corrupt as Bahamian politics. It's nothing to do with being American but being part of the system; Pelosi is one of the most notorious insider traders sitting in Congress and nothing will ever be done to her. It's all one system, doesn't matter whether you are red or blue just like it doesn't matter whether you are read or yellow here, the system protects its own.

LastManStanding says...

The biggest problem as it relates to the IsraHell-Palestine issue is 60 IQ evangelicals that believe the modern day nation state of IsraHell is the same thing as the Biblical people of Israel, in addition to all of the other "chosenite" foolishness typically believed in conjunction with that. IsraHell is completely dependent on American tax dollars to survive, and would completely collapse if the parasitic relationship was ever ended. Unfortunately, America is completely subverted and run by Ashkenazim (one just needs to look at Biden's cabinet for proof of this, or all the moaning about Russian "interference" while AIPAC openly bribes US politicians or the ADL attempts to destroy anyone that stands in opposition to what is going on in Palestine) so it is unlikely that parasitic relationship will ever end until the US finishes going through it's late stage empire collapse.

It truly boggles my mind how people can support IsraHell in what is basically the equivalent of having a robber break into your home, lock you in your closet, and live in your house while torturing you pretending to be a victim of some sort. It is even more baffling that people who claim to "Christian" support such actions, especially those perpetrated by people that believe Jesus boils in feces and regularly harass and oppress Christians.

LastManStanding says...

They come here to build shantytowns and send money back to Haiti is what you must mean.

Listen, I studied and worked abroad at one point in my life, but I did not go and build a shack in the public park nor violate the conditions imposed on my ability to work, neither did I just cross the border illegally and then cry victim when getting sent home like they do here. There is a process for work permits, and conditions attached to them. Quite frankly, even the legal ones need to be sent home because most of them contribute to the shantytown problem (government has no balls to hold the employers responsible for them), refuse to integrate, work for multiple people while on one permit, and drive down wages for unskilled/semi-skilled Bahamian labour in certain sectors such as construction. There is zero benefit, economic or social, to having them here. Only greedy contractors who just want to produce the shittiest build without having to pay a proper wage/NIB are in favour of having them here. Government needs to crack down hard on that sector because I know for a fact that many of them end up stealing materials to take back and build their shantytowns with. Anyone found encouraging the construction of these shantytowns needs to be sent to prison, I am sick and tired of this problem. It is ridiculous that we are still having to deal with shantytowns in 2024.

Regarding the religious aspect, God gave every kind of people their own land. When directing the Israelite people to the Holy Land, he bluntly told them not to pick fights with Edom and their other neighbours on the way because that was not their land and He would not help them one bit in a war of conquest against it. This idea that Christianity supports mass migration and the destruction of entire nations is foolish and has no basis in Scripture or any tradition. Speaking the truth is not "hate", we cannot destroy our own country in the process of trying to "help" others.

LastManStanding says...

You're right, I probably would, or I might wonder what foreign NGO gave it to them. Funnily enough I actually know someone who had to close on their property for 30k less than the agreed upon sale price because Haitians came and stole the doors, windows, patio, even the bloody hardi plank off the sides of the residence while it was still under contract (this was in the months after Dorian where there was zero police presence on Abaco).

It's not our problem that Haiti is a shithole, and Haitians have no one else to blame but themselves for turning it into one. They will come here and do the same thing if we let them, we already see it with the lawlessness involving the shantytowns and the feigned victimhood whenever someone with any balls tries to do something about them.

LastManStanding says...

Obligatory "was she vaccinated"?

LastManStanding says...

Nah, that generation needs to disappear from politics entirely. That generation is exactly why this country is spiralling into third world shithole status today, they let these problems fester doing nothing to fix them.

On Miller: No guts for capital punishment

Posted 11 January 2024, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Yes, because it's very Christian to steal land, build shacks on other people's property without permission, steal utilities, and spread disease shitting everywhere in the bush right? Always the people who don't know anything about Christ trying to lecture on Christianity.