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LastManStanding says...

Realistically speaking, who audits these disclosures anyways? Law is nothing but a bunch of words on parchment if there is no enforcement, and the thing is that we know any statute related to disclosing politicians wealth will never be enforced anyways because neither party wants to start digging skeletons up out of their backyard. Politics is nothing more than entertainment and shouldn't be taken seriously.

LastManStanding says...

Wait for the appeal, he most likely will not serve even half of that....unless he knows something the political establishment would want to keep him locked away for.

LastManStanding says...

Few points of contention:

1.) Wages have just recently started catching up with the past few years of soaring inflation. I would even stick my head out and say that they haven't yet caught up in the Bahamas, but I don't have the numbers to study. Even now 3.1% in the US is above the ideal 2% target.

2.) US credit card debt is at an all time high. I also have anecdotal evidence that supports what seems to be that a large number of people are only surviving with their cards maxed out.

3.) Job numbers are being consistently revised downwards and a large portion of those "gains" are people taking second or even third jobs to make ends meet.

4.) The increase in gas prices started well before the invasion of Ukraine, the average actually topped $3.00 in 2021. The invasion may have helped with some of the increase, but the West was the one that tried to one up Russia with sanctions only to buy using India as a middle man anyways. The Russian economy has held up extraordinarily well, even posting growth despite the heavy amount of sanctions, so this was a complete foreign policy failure (and big benefit for Russia considering it has permanently decoupled them from the West, no more cords to cut).

5.) The Bahamas does in fact benefit in one way (particularly in real estate and construction) from the money looking to cut loose with America while it still can, but inflation in the US has hit us hard considering that we import nearly everything from there. Not everyone works in real estate or construction to feel that boom. I'm telling you that I have personally seen prices in some items double since COVID and a lot of people are not receiving the kind of wage increases (if any) to keep pace.

Long story short is that the economic picture is not nearly as rosy as it may seem. There is a thread of hope but quite frankly most working class people are only living off of credit and young people especially are at an extreme disadvantage considering the extremely difficult housing market that they are trying to start a life in.

On Biden has been bad for Bahamas

Posted 5 March 2024, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

No, that was Haiti IIRC and he certainly wasn't wrong either. The current occupant thinks that crack cocaine was made in the Bahamas lol.

On Biden has been bad for Bahamas

Posted 5 March 2024, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

This article is exactly why England (and the whole of the UK really) is turning into a third world Orwellian shithole. What is "anti-Semitism" (never mind that Semite does not mean jewish, it means son of Shem)? Nobody who ever hurls these accusations can ever seem to proffer a definition. I'm sure that the Palestinian people (who are actually Semitic) sure would say that they are on the receiving end of "anti-Semitism" right now (and have been since the Nakba/1948), but nobody seems to be talking about that.

The UK is ruled by a bloody pajeet, London is ruled by a Paki, grooming gangs are raping and molesting young girls and walking off without jail time while young White men with families to feed who put up stickers highlighting the issue (or even just saying something as simple as "it's ok to be White") are given prison time. The UK is devolving into a third world shithole and somehow it's the "far-right" (ie. people with an IQ higher than 60 who don't want to live in a third world shithole) that is the cause of all the problems, lol. Your much vaunted Churchill would roll in his grave if he saw what happened to his country, he would come back and horsewhip every Tory he could find if he had a way to do so. An entire generation of young men he sent to their deaths all for nothing.

LastManStanding says...

Cable is just salty because they are starting to feel the financial pinch of losing customers. I'm sorry, I was a previous Cable customer that switched over to Starlink and the speeds that I received from Cable were complete garbage compared to the ones that I now have with Starlink. On top of that I pay less, and have had zero downtime since I signed up. Starlink offers a good product and we honestly need more technological innovation in this country instead of the same old BS we get fed from the garbage monopolies that try to hog all of the business for themselves.

LastManStanding says...

The Tories are completely doomed as a political party simply because they are nothing but Labour with a blue tie; they are catering to no one, and are like a drifting ship about to sink in a storm. The Tories abandoned any semblance of even being center-right years ago, and neither the Blairite left or labour left will ever support them. Quite frankly, there isn't a single reason for any demographic to support them.

On PETER YOUNG: A courageous man of principle

Posted 21 February 2024, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

You're conveniently omitting the fact that he killed two of his comrades during his defection. What he did wasn't just going to be forgotten about.

On PETER YOUNG: A courageous man of principle

Posted 21 February 2024, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

When will we hear a government official talk about not frittering our tax money away on a bunch of foolishness.

LastManStanding says...

Space X is the kind of company that the government should be doing business with, serious, no nonsense people. I have been nothing but pleased with Starlink, the speeds are faster and the service is much more reliable than any that I have had locally. It works great in sun, rain, or clouds.

On Bahamas set to reach tourism's final frontier

Posted 19 February 2024, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal